
The Department of Physics shares news and interesting stories of our faculty, students and alumni in a regular newsletter, Interactions. Here you will find commentaries on recent discoveries, teaching experiences and approaches, and read about the adventures of past and current students of the department. 

Chair's Message

Sambandamurthy Ganapathy, Chair.

A message from our Chair, Prof. Sambandamurthy Ganapathy.

A team of researchers led by Henri Godfrin (Experiment, CNRS-Institut Néel and Institut Laue-Langevin, Université Grenoble-Alpes) and Eckhard Krotscheck (Theory, UB) have measured and interpreted the dispersion spectrum of superfluid helium, explaining discrepancies in previous studies and constraining theories of superfluidity, and identifying new excitation mechanisms.


After 26 years of service in the department, Dianne Carmer retired as a Research Secretary from UB in August 2021. Students, alumni and faculty members recollect Dianne’s outstanding service for decades. We wish her the best of everything in her retirement!

After 26 years of service in the department, Dianne Carmer retired as a Research Secretary from UB in August 2021. Students, alumni and faculty members recollect Dianne’s outstanding service for decades. We wish her the best of everything in her retirement!

Student News

Participants consisting of physics faculty and students at the Department’s commencement celebration on May 17, 2021. Graduating students are seated in the front row, from left to right: Jiawei Wang, Xi Chen (MS), Muhammad Kilinc, Bilal Barut, Hannah Seppala (BS), and Lauren Kim (BS).

Our students work very hard and accomplish great things to complete their degrees, so one of the highlights of the year is celebrating their graduation.

Faculty News

New physics faculty (from left to right), Tim Thomay, Grady Gambrel, Bendikt Harrer, and Jan-Christopher Winter, enjoying some nice weather at Baird Point on North Campus.

Four new faculty members have recently joined the Department of Physics.

Alumni News

Pratibha Dev, PhD 2009.

Updates and news from our Department of Physics alumni.


Thank you for your support of the Department of Physics. With the support of alumni and friends, we can provide vital resources to enhance our department and provide support for students, research projects and programs. We are grateful for your generosity.

You can support your department and help to provide for our students by making a gift online.