Graduate Student Directory

Exterior aerial image the North Campus in the fall taken in September 2023. Photographer: Douglas Levere.

Exterior aerial image the North Campus in the fall taken in September 2023. Photographer: Douglas Levere

The UB Department of Biological Sciences is pleased to present the current directory of our graduate students.


Published February 26, 2025




— A —

Mahasweta Acharjee Program: PhD UBIT: macharje.

Mahasweta Acharjee
Program: PhD
Lab: L. Rusche
UBIT: macharje

Margaret Adams Program: MA Lab: First year maadams2.

Margaret Adams
Program: MA
Lab: First year

Aiman Ahmad Program: MA.

Aiman Ahmad
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT:  aimanahm

Zahraa Alabbasi Program: MA Lab: First year.

Zahraa Alabbasi
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT:  zahraaa

Alber Aqil Program: PhD Lab: Gokcumen UBIT: maqil.

Muhammad Alber Aqil
Program: PhD
Lab: O. Gokcumen
UBIT: maqil


Saimara H. Alejandro 
Program: MS
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: saimaraa

Mahrukh Allahburhsh Program: MA Lab: First year UBIT: mahrukha.

Mahrukh Allahburhsh
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: mahrukha

Sophie Altman Program: MA Lab: First year UBIT: saltman.

Sophie Altman
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: saltman


Afia Anjum
Program: MA
Lab: Dr. Josh Wang
UBIT: afiaanju


Galen Argyle
Program: MA
Lab: Dr. Thomas Covey
UBIT: galenarg


Isaac Asante  
Program: MA
UBIT: isaacasa


Amanuel Asras  
Program: MA
Lab: Dr. Jason Muhitch
UBIT: aasras

Aminahas Assabahi.

Aminahas Assabahi
Program: MA
UBIT: aminahas

— B —


David N. Bahry
Program: PhD
Lab: V. Lynch
UBIT:  davidbah

Antonia Bandrivska.

Antonia Bandrivska
Program: MS
Lab: J. Berry
UBIT: abandriv

Djaliatou Barry.

Djaliatou Barry
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: djaliato

Yogesh Laxmirajam Bhandari.

Yogesh Bhandari
Program: PhD
Lab: Z. Wang
UBIT:  yogeshbh


Sydney Brongo  
Program: PhD
Lab: M. Xu-Friedman
UBIT: sebrongo

— C —


Neha Chadalavada  
Program: MA
Lab: D. Daniels
UBIT: nehachad 

Sarah Lu Chang Program: PhD.

Sarah Lu Chang 
Program: PhD
Lab: T. Krabbenhoft
UBIT:  sluchang

Divya Chauhan.

Divya Chauhan
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year

Pranav Chauhan Program: MA Lab: First year UBIT: pschauha.

Pranav  Chauhan
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: pschauha

Sara Ciurca Program: MA Lab: First year UBIT: saraciur.

Sara Ciurca
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: saraciur

Eli Cummings Program: MA.

Eli Cummings
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: elicummi

Photo to follow.

Felix Che
Program: MS
UBIT:  fche2

— D —

Ankita Shivaji Darekar.

Ankita Shivaji Darekar
Program: PhD
Lab: P. Cullen
UBIT:  adarekar


Dominic DeGeorge
Program: MA
Lab: G. Koudelka
UBIT: dtdegeor

Kaylee Donovan.

Kaylee Donovan
Program: BA/MS
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: kd77

Michael Vittorio D’Oria.

Michael V. D’Oria
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: mdoria

Katherine Duryea.

Katherine Duryea
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: keduryea

Valli Duvvuru.

Valli Duvvuru
Program: PhD
Lab:  Lee
UBIT: duvvurue

— E — F —

Hitch Edwards Program: MA Lab: First year UBIT: rhedward.

Hitch Edwards
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: rhedward

Kawthar Elwaseem Program: MA.

Kawthar Elwaseem
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: kawthare

Nicholas Fabrizio.

Nicholas Fabrizio
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: nfabrizi


Kimberly Fagan  
Program: MA
Lab:  Jason Muhitch
UBIT: kcfagan

William Fallon.

William Fallon
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: wfallon

— G —

Photo to follow.

Chengchen Gao
Program: BA/MS
Lab: S. Wang
UBIT: cgao4

Antonio Garnham.

Antonio Garnham
Program: PhD
Lab: D. Ferkey
UBIT: agarnham


Benedicta Gbemudu
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: bagbemud

Photo to follow.

Roxana Gonzalez
Program: PhD
Lab: M. McCartney
UBIT: roxanago

Ahmet Gorgulu Program: MA Lab: First year UBIT: ahmetgor.

Ahmet Gorgulu
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: ahmetgor

Patrick Grasing Program: MA.

Patrick Grasing
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: prgrasin

Surya Gubbi.

Surya Gubbi
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: suryagub


Christopher Guevarra  
Program: MA
Lab:  Jason Muhitch
UBIT: cdguevar

Yifeng Guo Program: PhD Lab: Medler UBIT: yguo27.

Yifeng Guo
Program: PhD
Lab: K. Medler
UBIT: yguo27

—H — I —

Qian He Program: PhD Lab: Walker UBIT: qianhe.

Qian He
Program: PhD
Lab: S. Walker
UBIT: qianhe


Elwyn Hammond
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: elywnham

Amanda Ivanoff Program: PhD UBIT: amandaiv.

Amanda Ivanoff
Program: PhD
Lab: V. Lynch
UBIT: amandaiv

— J —

LaMar Jackson Program: MA.

LaMar Jackson
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: lamarjac

Curlene John.

Curlene John
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: curlenej

Kenneth Jovel-Truong.

Kenneth Jovel-Truong
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: kjoveltr

Lauren Jung.

Lauren Jung
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: ljung2

Jyothinkrishna Jyothsna Bavin.

Jyothinkrishna Jyothsna Bavin
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: jyothink

— K —

Mina Kang.

Mina Kang
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: minakang


Susanna Keilig 
Program: PhD
Lab: C. Krabbenhoft
UBIT:  skeilig

Skyler Kelly Program: MS Lab: Strobel UBIT: skylerke.

Skyler Kelly
Program: PhD
Lab: E. Strobel
UBIT: skylerke


Jonathan Kirshner 
Program: PhD
Lab: V. Albert
UBIT:  jkirshne


Phouthasone Kittisack 
Program: MA
Lab:  Thomas Covey
UBIT: phouthas

Debmallya Konar.

Debmallya Konar
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: debmally@buffalo.ed

Rutuja Kulkarni Program: PhD UBIT: rutujaku Lab:.

Rutuja Vivek Kulkarni
Program: PhD
Lab: S. Walker
UBIT: rutujaku

Justine Kuno.

Justine Kuno
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: jokuno 

— L —


Chhime Lama
Program: MA
UBIT: chhimela

Luane Bueno Landau Program: PhD UBIT: luanejan.

Luane Bueno Landau
Program: PhD
Lab: O. Gokcumen
UBIT: luanejan

Valerie Alexis Lepore.

Valerie Alexis Lepore
Program: PhD
Lab: D. Ferkey
UBIT:  valepore

Jayden Lin.

Jayden Lin
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: zejinlin

Bowen Liu.

Bowen Liu
Program: PhD
Lab: L. Rusche
UBIT:  bliu36

Christian Loretto Program: MA.

Christian Loretto
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: cllorett

Nathan Lynch Program: PhD.

Nathan Lynch
Program: PhD
Lab: P. Cullen/L. Rusche
Email: nlynch2

— M — N —

Tharun Selvam Mahendran Program: PHD.

Tharun Selvam Mahendran
Program: PhD
Lab: P. Banerjee
UBIT: tharunse

Somdatta Maiti Program: PhD.

Somdatta Maiti
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: smaiti

Nsona Mbambu.

Nsona Mbambu
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: nsonamba

Ben Miller.

Benjamin Miller
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: bm93

Ira Mohapatra Program: PhD UBIT: iramohap.

Ira Mohapatra
Program: PhD
Lab: S. Walker
UBIT: iramohap

Faith Moka.

Faith Moka
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: faithmok

Mehrab Mostariq.

Mehrab Mostariq
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: mehrabmo

Hasan Mufti Program: MA.

Hasan Mufti
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: hasanmuf

Ugonna Naana.

Ugonna Naana
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: ugonnana

Micaela Nanni Program: MA.

Micaela Nanni
Program: MA
UBIT: micaelan

Jackson Nati.

Paige Nati 
Program: PhD

Lab: M. Yu
UBIT: pdjackso@


Tina Nguyen
Program: MA
Lab:  Marcella Baiz
UBIT: tpn2

— O —

O'Malley-Pearson Program: PhD UBIT: jomalley.

Jozef O'Malley-Pearson
Program: PhD
Lab: S. Wang
UBIT: jomalley

Christopher Osborne Program: PhD.

Christopher Osborne
Program: PhD
Lab: T. Krabbenhoft
UBIT: caosborn

Holly O’Shea Program: PhD UBIT: hollyosh.

Holly O’Shea
Program: PhD
Lab: Lee
UBIT: hollyosh

Moyosola Oshin.

Moyosola Oshin
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: moyosola

— P — Q —

Petar Pajic Program: PhD UBIT: petarpaj.

Petar Pajic
Program: PhD
Lab: O. Gokcumen
UBIT: petarpaj


Soumya Pal 
Program: PhD
Lab: Lee
UBIT:  spal6

Angelina Pallini.

Angelina Pallini
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: apallini

Sebastian Pardo.

Sebastian Pardo
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: sapardo

Suraj Patel.

Suraj Patel
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: srpatel5

Elizabeth Pawlak Program: PhD UBIT: eavohwin Lab: Yu.

Elizabeth Pawlak
Program: PhD
Lab: M. Yu 
UBIT: eavohwin

Chathura Perera.

Chathura Perera
Program: PhD
Lab: E. Strobel
UBIT: ckanatht

Alahna Perez.

Alahna Perez
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: alahnape

Leena Pilankar.

Leena Pilankar
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: leenapra

Ankita Priyadarshini Program: PHD.

Ankita Priyadarshini
Program: PhD
Lab: P. Cullen
UBIT:  ankitapr

— R —


Shruthy Rajesh 
Program: MS
Lab: Lee
UBIT:  shruthy

Varsha Ramachandra Kambar.

Varsha Ramachandra Kambar
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: ramacha7

Rasika Rathnayake Program: PhD UBIT: rasikara.

Rasika Rathnayake
Program: PhD 
Lab: S. Gunawardena
UBIT: rasikara

Michaela Richter.

Michaela E. Richter
Program: PhD
Lab: V. Albert/C. Lindqvist
UBIT: mr249

Brendan Roller.

Brendan Roller
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: brroller

Breanna Roper Program: MA.

Breanna Roper
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: baroper


Adrianna Roser
Program: MA
Lab: Gonzalez-Stucker
UBIT: anroser


Bailey Rouse
Program: MA
UBIT: bmrouse

Keya Roy.

Keya Roy
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: keyaroy

— S —


Lillian Schaffer 
Program: MA
Lab:  V. Lynch
UBIT: lrschaff

Kendra Scheer.

Kendra Scheer 
Program: PhD
Lab: O. Gokcumen
UBIT: kendrasc

Christian Schmidhauser.

Christian Schmidhauser
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: crschmid

Matthew James Scott.

Matthew James Scott 
Program: MS
Lab: C. Krabbenhoft
UBIT:  mjscott3


Bhavika Sethi
Program: MA
Lab:  Praveen Arany
UBIT: bhavikas

Soumya Sharma Program: PhD UBIT: ss667 Lab: Cullen.

Soumya Sharma
Program: PhD
Lab: P. Cullen

UBIT: ss667


Dongjun Shin 
Program: PhD
Lab: Lee
UBIT: dshin7


Johanna Sirkin
Program: MA
Lab:  Derek Daniels
UBIT: jlsirki

Divon Slayton.

Divon Slayton
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: divonsla

Chelsea Sookra Program: MA.

Chelsea Sookra
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: casookra

Max Striedl.

Max Striedl 
Program: MS
Lab: C. Krabbenhoft
UBIT:  maxstrie

Supakar, Anushka Program: PhD UBIT: asupakar.

Anushka Supakar
Program: PhD
Lab: P. Banerjee
UBIT: asupakar

Dylan Szucs.

Dylan Szucs
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: dylanszu

— T — U — V —

Tang, Yinpu.

Yinpu Tang
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: yinputan


John Taylor 
Program: MA
Lab: Laertis Ikonomou
UBIT: taylor98

Christopher Thoennes.

Christopher Thoennes
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: cjthoenn


Md Main Uddin
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT:  mdmainud

Olivia Wasnock.

Olivia Wasnock
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: ofwasnoc

Hannah Waterman.

Hannah Waterman
Program: PhD
Lab: T. Krabbenhoft
UBIT: hwaterma 

Alison Woodward.

Alison Woodward
Program: MA
Lab: First year
UBIT: woodwar3

Zena Wright.

Zena Wright
Program: PhD
Lab: 1st year
UBIT: zenawrig

Sai Wu Program: PhD UBIT: saiwu.

Sai Wu
Program: PhD
Lab: M. Yu
UBIT: saiwu


Viviane Zeng
Program: MA
UBIT: jiewenze

Incoming Graduate Students, Class Listings 2007 to 2020