Anja Heli Honisett


Anja Heli Honisett


Anja Heli Honisett


MFA Candidate

Fine Arts

Artist Statement

My research is focused on the evolution of the depiction of the female form throughout art history, including the transition to the digitization of the image and its manipulation. I am interested in the psychology behind this manipulation—why these doctored images are so beloved and disseminated among the Millennial and “Zoomer” generations—and the precipitating political and cultural systems that instigate these behaviors.

My paintings explore the distortion one encounters through social media filters found specifically in selfies. Most recently I have begun to merge traditional figurative painting with the concepts previously discussed—focusing on women observing themselves through a literal and personal lens, un-obscured by the constraints of filters and preconceived or fluctuating beauty standards found online. The aim is to illuminate the vulnerability and uniqueness of the individual and to bring the viewers focus back to the self in its purest form, whilst illuminating the ever-present camera as anextension of our perception.