Scholarships and Awards

Harumo painting.

Scholarships and Awards

Deciding how to pay for your college education is an important decision for you and your family.

Most UB students receive some form of financial aid, either in the form of grants, loans, scholarships or work study awards.

The University at Buffalo offers the most valuable merit scholarships in the SUNY system. Last year, UB administered $340 million in financial aid and scholarships. On top of that, UB students consistently win more prestigious scholarships and fellowships than students at any other State University of New York (SUNY) institution.

When cost is a deciding factor in attending college, it’s hard to find a better value than UB. Our students receive a top-notch education with tuition at a fraction of the cost of a private college or university of comparable quality. With the addition of merit-based scholarships and traditional financial aid, education at UB is as affordable as possible.

Prospective freshmen must apply by Dec. 15 to be considered for merit scholarships.

Department of Art Scholarships, Awards, and Prizes (Current Students)

The Department of Art offers multiple scholarship, award, and prize opportunities every year. There are opportunities offered for all degree types, either in an application open to all ART students or restricted to students enrolled in a specific course or concentration. Funding is for art-related travel and study, art supplies, tuition help, and general support. Click here to learn more about our funding opportunities.

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