The College of Arts and Sciences Spotlight Symposia Series recognizes and elevates members of our faculty. Each Spotlight symposium honors a particular faculty member by inviting distinguished speakers to our campus who share the honoree’s research field. The symposium places our honoree at the center of vital national and international conversations and serves as an important venue for building scholarly relationships critical to the university.
Soo-Kyung Lee’s long-term goals are to dissect gene regulatory events that lead to cellular diversity and, eventually, the formation of functional neural circuits in the CNS and to understand the genetic and mechanistic basis for neurodevelopmental defects, ultimately contributing to the generation of better treatment strategies for human developmental disorders.
Diana Aga, PhD, SUNY Distinguished Professor, Henry M. Woodburn Chair of Chemistry and Director of UB’s RENEW Institute was the inaugural symposia honoree. The symposia, "Convergence of Science for One Planet, One Health" addressed the world’s increasing chemical pollution and scarcity of natural resources that are exacerbated by the rapidly changing climate in a vicious, existential cycle. In order to create solutions for the fragile water-energy-food nexus, we must understand the threats we face as interlocking global sustainability challenges.