All applications materials must be received by 20 April 2025. Funds are available for projects to start on 1 July 2025. Projects must be completed by 30 April 2026. The funds for individual research awards will be administered by the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards. Awards are contingent upon continued funding of the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards.
Description and request for proposals
UB’s Center for Geological and Climate Hazards requests proposals from graduate students for research in the general topic of natural hazards. Any UB graduate student who is conducting research related to natural hazards (including climate change-induced hazards) is eligible to submit a proposal. Examples might include: social and medical responses, communication about natural hazards; anthropological studies of the effects of disasters on past populations; engineering designs of infrastructure that is resilient to natural hazards; geological and geographic aspects; and development of numerical models of natural hazards.
The grants are intended to support direct research costs (for example, laboratory fees, fieldwork expenses); proposals to fund travel for conferences and workshops will be considered. Award amounts are typically in the range of $500-2000 and must be used within one year.
The proposal format is provided below. Selection of awardees will be made by a panel of natural hazards experts associated with the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards. Proposal review metrics include:
· Originality of proposed research and applicability to understanding and reducing the impacts of natural hazards on human populations.
· Clarity of the research plan and its feasibility within the proposed budget and time frame.
· Potential for the student to develop a career related to natural hazards mitigation, based upon the personal statement and reference letters.
Eligible individuals must be enrolled in a graduate degree program at the University at Buffalo and be a member of the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards (register at no cost at
Any presentation or publication supported through this award should include an acknowledgement of the center funding including logo where appropriate.
Application Materials
All materials must be submitted electronically to All files should be submitted in PDF format in a single file. The file name should use this format: lastname_firstinitial. Reference letters sent on your behalf should include your last name and the sender’s last name in some part of the file name. Proposals should be in 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman or similar), single space, with one-inch margins all around.
1. Cover letter (1 page): Applicants should provide a compelling narrative of your interest in natural hazards, evidence of leadership and innovation, and how the award could facilitate a unique and interdisciplinary plan for professional development. Applicants should not use cover letters to restate or extend material presented in the proposal, and vita. Thoughtful, well-crafted cover letters improve the likelihood that competitive proposals will be identified during the initial stages of proposal evaluation.
2. Title Page: Include applicant's name, contact information, project title, and total budget requested.
3. Research Plan (up to 4 pages): The research plan should include the following, with a maximum length of four pages:
introduction and hypothesis or question
background section,
approaches and methods,
anticipated results,
research schedule,
relevance to natural hazards (science, engineering, human, or other aspects).
4. Literature cited.
5. Budget and Budget Narrative page (see attached).
6. Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae: NSF style CV, two pages maximum (template attached)
7. Letters:
One letter of recommendation addressing the merits of the candidate and the candidate’s proposal. Letters should be written by individuals familiar with the applicant's skills, experience, and research. Letters should emphasize the qualifications of the applicant, in particular any unique abilities to contribute significantly to natural hazards science. The letter writer must submit an electronic copy of their letter directly to It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure that reference letters are submitted by the deadline.
Deadlines and Contact Information
All application materials, including letters from sponsors and references, must be received by the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards to by 12:00 am EST on Sunday, 20 April, 2025. The selection process begins immediately after this date. There are no extensions to this deadline and incomplete applications may be disqualified. Questions about the application process may be directed to the Center at
Final Reporting Requirements:
Students are required to submit a final written report at the end of their project, no later than May 1st, 2026.
You will emailed a PowerPoint template to be completed and returned within 2 weeks of receiving the email. The PowerPoint will be uploaded to our website to highlight your work.
Final reports should be submitted to the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards and emailed as PDF files to
Title Page
The Center for Geological and Climate Hazards research award provides partial research funding support to student members of the Center ( and enrolled in a graduate program at the University at Buffalo. Awards will be made based on the availability of funds in any given semester. Complete the application and W-9 tax forms below and email the original to the Center for Geological and Climate Hazards. The deadline for submission 12:00 am EST on Sunday, 20 April, 2025.