May 15, 2022
Dear College of Arts and Sciences Community,
Today we stand with our community still reeling, in shock and in profound grief over the shooting at Tops Markets on Jefferson Avenue in Buffalo on Saturday. Knowing that racially motivated mass shootings are on the rise in this country does little to prepare us for how to grapple with their impact in the place that we all call home. We mourn the loss of lives and loved ones with the families and friends of the victims, and we stand in solidarity with everyone effected by this harrowing tragedy, particularly members of the Black community.
This unconscionable tragedy compels us to address crucial questions of “why” and “what can be done?” As members of a university community committed to research and inquiry, it is more critical today than ever before to advance the work that helps us to better understand the systems, structures and constructs that enable and incite racially motivated violence. The College of Arts and Sciences is home to many student and faculty scholars on the frontlines of the fight against racism and white supremacy. While we remain committed to supporting and expanding work in these areas, we must also recognize that it is the responsibility of everyone in our community to amplify, organize and act in support of these imperatives.
As we learn more over the coming days, we want to highlight the message from President Tripathi. Remember that a variety of resources are available on campus and stand ready to assist you: UB Counseling Services and the Employee Assistance Program. Please do not hesitate to reach out and get support if you are experiencing stress, anxiety, and grief regarding the shooting. Students should reach out to their advisors and professors if they are struggling to bring the semester to a close. All of us need to prioritize our mental health and well-being so please take care of yourselves and one another.
Take care,
Robin Schulze, PhD
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Theresa McCarthy, PhD
Six Nations Onondaga, Beaver Clan
Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence