Think Social! Pragmatic Language Groups

The Think Social! Groups at UB focuses on developing social skills such as being a  productive and interactive part of a group, initiating and maintaining conversations, understanding nonverbal language, and social perspective taking.

Interactive sessions will address activities that require members to consider their own and others’ perspectives as we share space, collaborate, and try to figure out others’ intentions. This group may be helpful to students with social pragmatic  language disorder, autism spectrum disorder, nonverbal learning disorder, ADHD,  brain injury/post-concussion syndrome, Tourette’s syndrome etc... however, a formal diagnosis is not required for participation.

Who We Serve

Children aged 18 months - 8 years

Type of Service


When are services offered?


Groups are formed each semester based on age and interest. If there are not enough participants enrolled to form an appropriate group, you/your child will be placed on a waitlist in anticipation of additional members for the following semester.

Please contact us by September 1st to enroll in groups for Fall semester (Sept-Dec); January 1st for Spring Semester (Feb-May) and May 1st  for Summer semester (June-July).