Subscribe to our Listserv Emails

The Department of Art has internal use and public facing listservs, to share important information, and news with our audiences. 

"Art Events" list, open to the public as subscribers

Members of the UB and public communities are welcome to subscribe to our Art Events list, for news on exhibitions, receptions, and public events.

To subsribe: send an email to, with the only content of the message being: "Subscribe art-events-list YourName"

  • The quotation marks should not be included in your message-- they are shown here to indicate what content to include. 
  • For writing your name, please include your first, then last name, with a space in between.
  • Questions may be directed to

Undergrad and Graduate Lists, open to students currently enrolled in UB Art classes

Current UB students with an Art or Art History major or minor,  are placed on our listservs at the beginning of each semester. We are working to add all students enrolled in art classes, but first time art-class students may not be immediately placed on the list.

If you are a current Art student and believe you are not receiving our listserv emails, and would like to, submit an inquiry about your listserv subscription status to

Alumni Lists

The Department of Art does not maintain an active "Alumni" listserv. If you are a subscriber to one of our outdated alumni lists you may occasionally receive a message in that way. We recommend that any alumni looking to stay up-to-date on Department news, subscribe to the Art Events list, as noted above.

Alumni are encouraged to stay in touch by keeping their contact information up-to-date with the College of Arts and Sciences, and submitting professional news to the Department for recognition.

Other ways to stay in touch

Follow us on social media;

Check our Art News page regularly;

Subscribe to the Department of Art's Event Calendar.

  • Options include: RSS subscription at the interval of your choosing; Adding the calendar to your Google or Outlook calendar; or signing up for email notifications.
  • Go to the Full Department of Art Event Calendar, and look for the subscription icons at the bottom left corner of the page.