Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Clinic

Clinic hearing equipment.

The University at Buffalo's Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Clinic offers a state-of-the-art facility merging clinical education, services, and research to support the communication needs of Western New Yorkers.

Clinic Mission

Our Client Care Goals

  • To provide quality, state-of-the-art evaluation and treatment of speech, language, voice, swallowing, hearing and balance
  • To provide timely and targeted clinical services, including counseling for management and improved quality of life
  • To provide appropriate recommendations and referrals to meet our clients' needs

Our Training Goals

  • To educate and mentor the next generation of clincian-scientists in Speech-Lanugage Pathology and Audiology, including undergraduate and graduate students
    • Graduate student clinicians work directly with patients under the supervision of Clinical Faculty
    • Undergraduate students gain experience through observation
  • To integrate clinical education and services with clinical research 
  • To provide hands-on learning experiences to prepare students for the variety of cases they may encounter in their future careers
SPEAK OUT!® Therapy & Research Center

We are pleased to offer a speech and voice therapy program at no cost for people with Parkinson’s disease living in New York.

Our Clinic supports one of 16 SPEAK OUT!® Centers in the United States, and the only one in New York State.

The 16 SPEAK OUT! Centers. UB is represented on the bottom right by Laura Roberts and Kaila Stipancic.

Virtual Tour of the Clinic