Clinics and Programs

We offer a full spectrum of specialty clinics to serve the needs of our community and to meet our educational mission.

Twp graduate students using a manikin to train during a hearing evaluation.

Contact Us

UB Audiology and Speech Language Pathology Clinic
University at Buffalo
52 Biomedical Education Building, South Wing
South Campus
Buffalo, NY 14214-8016

Telephone: (716) 829-3980
Fax: (716) 829-3974

Our Services

  • Audiology Clinic
    Our highly experienced and licensed Audiologists provide hearing evaluations, auditory processing evaluations, tinnitus and hyperacusis evaluations, and treatment of auditory disorders across the lifespan.
  • Accent Management for ESL speakers
    Our Accent Management program is recommended for individuals who have good oral English proficiency skills but still struggle with specific sounds or language use.
  • Aphasia Treatment
    Aphasia is an acquired language impairment that can impact auditory comprehension skills, verbal expression, reading and writing. Treatment for aphasia involves therapy to improve language skills, as well as training in use of compensatory strategies to facilitate communication.
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation
    Difficulties with cognition, including attention, memory, and executive function, can make communicating with others difficult. Treatment for cognitive-communication disorders can help improve language and social aspects of communication.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Evaluation and Therapy
    The overall goal of the AAC clinic is to provide access to expressive communication using all of one's communication modalities such as gesture, voice, voice output technology, no tech communication boards, etc. in order to create a customized communication system.
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech Specialty Clinic
    Our program offers differential diagnosis and treatment of speech sound disorders, with a focus on childhood apraxia of speech.
    JASPER (Joint Attention, Symbolic Play, Engagement, and Regulation) is a play based treatment approach that targets the foundations of social communication and uses  naturalistic strategies to increase the rate and complexity of social communication.
  • Stuttering
    The stuttering program addresses education about stuttering, encourages communication challenges, addresses emotional, social and cognitive aspects of stuttering, incorporates fluency enhancing and modification strategies, and encourages individuals to break-down communication fears to be a more confident and effective communicator.
  • SPEAK OUT!® Therapy and Research Center
    As the New York State SPEAK OUT!® Therapy & Research Center, the University at Buffalo Audiology & Speech-Language Pathology Clinic offers the SPEAK OUT!® speech and voice therapy program at no cost to help people with Parkinson’s disease regain and retain effective communication.
  • Think Social! Pragmatic Language Groups
    The Think Social! Groups at UB focuses on developing social skills such as being a  productive and interactive part of a group, initiating and maintaining conversations, understanding nonverbal language, and social perspective taking.
  • Transgender Voice Clinic
    Our Transgender Voice clinic is for Transgender or Non-Binary Individuals looking to modify their Voice and Communication to better align with their Gender identity and expression.