Meet Our Students

Students with Prof. Prasad.
Introducing the College Ambassadors!

Meet Will and Meghan, the department's undergraduate Ambassadors for the College of Arts and Sciences. College Ambassadors are student volunteers who have been nominated by faculty and staff after demonstrating a commitment to academic excellence and community engagement. 

Will Roberts.
Will Roberts

“In addition to the many opportunities for research that the Chemistry Department provides, it offers a welcoming and encouraging home on campus for any student interested in exploring the field.”

Meghan Sullivan.
Meghan Sullivan

"What I like most about the Department of Chemistry at UB are the resources to get involved in the chemistry community, such as UBChemClub, and the many opportunities to be involved in high-impact research as an undergraduate."

UB’s Department of Chemistry is home to students, staff, and faculty from around the world. We are proud of the extraordinary geographical and cultural diversity within the UB Chemistry Community! The map below highlights home towns of our graduate students, undergraduate majors, postdocs, staff, and faculty. 

Click on the map for a detailed view!

Graduate Research Highlights

  • “March 2024: Aghogho Abigail Olomukoro”

    My research involves understanding the partition of perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in sorbents used for separation and studying PFAS distribution in heterogeneous environmental and biological samples. To achieve these goals, I use micro separation methodologies for preconcentration which is hyphenated to liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) to quantify and identify PFAS.

  • “February 2024: Mayuresh Janpandit”

    My research is centered around developing stable solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layers for NaK alloy batteries. To achieve this, we use in situ characterization techniques to determine the composition of the SEI layer. Additionally, I am involved in studying the electro-Fenton process for generating hydroxyl radicals which can help degrade Perfluoroalkyl substances in water.

  • “January 2024: Blessing Ogboo.”

    My research focuses on understanding the molecular factors that enhance a compounds activity against a protein in drug discovery and development. Specifically, I develop and study inhibitors of NADPH Oxidases and Epidermal growth factor receptor, to understand the structural features that enable the development of potent inhibitors against these enzymes for the treatment of several diseases.

  • “December 2023: Ananya Saju.”

    My research focuses on synthesis of bench stable manganese(III) precursor complexes for exploring the chemistry of high valent manganese. I investigate the coordination chemistry and reactivity of these complexes in an effort to demonstrate their utility.