Faculty Directory

  • Diana Aga.

    611 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4220

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Henry M. Woodburn Chair
    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Environmental and Analytical Chemistry: Fate and transport of emerging contaminants and endocrine disrupting chemicals; treatment of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wastewater; bioaccumulation of halogenated organic contaminants in fish and wildlife; target and non-target analysis of environmental contaminants; bioremediation of perfluoroalkyl substances; antibiotic resistance in the environment.

    611 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4220

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Alexey Akimov.

    716 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4140

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Theoretical and computational chemistry; Quantum and classical molecular dynamics, nonadiabatic dynamics, computations in large-scale systems, semiempirical methods; electron-nuclear coupling, simulation of spin, charge, and excitation energy transfer; Solar energy conversion materials, nanomaterials and nanoscale systems.

    716 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4140

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • G. Ekin Atilla-Gokcumen.

    877 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4130

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Dr. Marjorie E. Winkler Distinguished Professor
    Associate Chair
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry: Understanding the involvement of lipids in different cell fates; LC-MS based lipidomics; biochemical characterization of lipids of interest

  • Jochen Autschbach.

    732 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4122

    Fax: (716) 645-6963

    jochena at buffalo.edu

    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Larkin Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Computational and theoretical chemistry: Simulation of molecular spectra, optical activity, molecular vibrations, NMR, electron paramagnetism, organic molecules, metal complexes, heavy elements, organometallic materials, computer programming

    732 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4122

    Fax: (716) 645-6963

    jochena at buffalo.edu

  • A picture of Jason Benedict, Department of Chemistry, University at Buffalo.

    771 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4276

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Interim Director
    UB Hauptman-Woodward Institute

    Research Interests: Solid-state materials science: Synthesis and characterization of Sustainable Functional Molecular Nanomaterials for light harvesting, light generation and light-based switches and sensors

    771 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4276

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Sherry Chemler.

    618 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4225

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Organometallic chemistry, medicinal chemistry: New reaction development with earth-abundant copper and manganese catalysts, asymmetric catalysis, alkene difunctionalization reactions, natural product synthesis, synthesis and medicinal chemistry of nitrogen heterocycles.

    618 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4225

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Elizabeth Clizbe.

    313 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4238

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Associate Clinical Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Area of Instruction: Instruction of undergraduate students in organic chemistry as well as the overview of general, organic and biological chemistry for students interested in health-science careers such as nursing.

    313 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4238

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Luis Colon.

    578 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4213

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    A. Conger Goodyear Professor
    Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, College of Arts and Sciences
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Analytical chemistry, separation science, chemical analysis in the micro/nano scales, bioanalytical chemistry, environmental chemistry, material science

    578 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4213

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Timothy Cook.

    856 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4327

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Director of Graduate Studies
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Self-assembly and characterization of discrete inorganic metallacycles and cages; energy harvesting, transport and storage in photo- and redox-active molecular materials. Polynuclear catalysts for small molecule activations of relevance to renewable energy schemes.

    856 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4327

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Luis R. De Jesús Báez.

    532 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4310

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Inorganic and solid-state materials synthesis; electrochemical synthesis; layered materials; strained materials; high-entropy alloys; energy-storage devices; heterogeneous catalysis; water treatment; ab-initio density functional theory calculations of X-ray spectra; X-ray synchrotron science

  • Steve Diver.

    572 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4208

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Earth-abundant metals for sustainable organic synthesis, macrocyclic catalysts for selective organic reactions, metal recovery, natural product synthesis, photocatalysis, cell permeable reagents for chemical biology

    572 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4208

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Emanuella Gionfriddo headshot.

    710 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: 716-645-4113

    Fax: 716-645-6963


    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Analytical Chemistry; Analytical Separations; Microextraction Technologies; Fate and transport of emerging contaminants in heterogeneous environmental systems; Micropollutants exposure to human and wildlife; Use of natural polymers for separations; Bioanalytical Chemistry; PFAS preconcentration and quantification in complex media; Target and non-target analysis of environmental contaminants; Hyphenation of microextraction technologies to mass spectrometry; Fundamentals of analytical separations; Green Analytical Chemistry

  • Bing Gong.

    811 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4307

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    UB Distinguished Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Biomimetic chemistry; medicinal chemistry; organic synthesis and catalyst development; supramolecular chemistry; transmembrane channels and carriers for molecules and ions; cryoprotection of cells

    811 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4307

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Stacey Gulde.

    325 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4126

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Associate Clinical Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Area of Instruction: Instruction of undergraduate students in the fundamentals of (Introductory and General) chemistry.

    325 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4126

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • David Heppner headshot.

    515 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-5133

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Jere Solo Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, structure-guided drug design, protein biochemistry, structural biology, cancer biology, protein kinases, allosteric inhibitors, targeted protein degradation, bioinorganic chemistry, redox biology, and bioorthogonal chemistry.

    515 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-5133

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • David C. Lacy.

    657 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4114

    DCLacy at buffalo edu

    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Synthetic inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, and organometallic chemistry. Coordination chemistry of transition metal catalysts and reagents. Catalysis and reaction mechanism.

  • Y. Chris Li.

    861 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4285

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Electrochemistry, electrocatalysis, activation of hydrocarbon molecules, surface mediated reactions, in situ spectroscopies for mechanistic investigations

    861 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4285

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Qing Lin.

    679 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4254

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    UB Distinguished Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Bioorganic and medicinal chemistry: Bioorthogonal chemistry/organic reactions in living systems, bioorthogonal reaction discovery and development, peptide/protein therapeutics, synthetic biology

    679 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4254

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Tim Liwosz.

    324 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4270

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Assistant Clinical Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Area of Instruction: Instruction of undergraduate students in general chemistry and organic chemistry

    324 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4270

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Janet Morrow.

    526 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4187

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Larkin Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Bioinorganic chemistry: Magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents based on iron, cobalt or nickel, CEST or T1 probes responsive to pH, or redox environment, self-assembled multinuclear iron complexes for imaging and drug delivery.

    526 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4187

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Andrew Murkin.

    672 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4249

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Bioorganic chemistry: Determination of enzyme mechanisms and transition states; synthesis of inhibitors, alternative substrates, and isotopically labeled compounds; enzyme kinetics

    672 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4249

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Andrew Musacchio.

    331 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-0215

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Area of Instruction: Instruction of undergraduate students in the fundamentals of (Introductory and General) chemistry.

    331 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-0215

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Patricia Z. Musacchio.

    557 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: 716-645-6822

    Fax: 716-645-6963


    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Small molecule synthesis; organic methods development; radical and carbocation chemistry; photochemistry; C-H functionalization; organometallic chemistry

  • Hung T. Nguyen.

    471 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: 716-645-4166

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Assistant Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Theoretical and computational biochemistry and molecular biophysics: simulations of proteins and nucleic acids; structures of intrinsically disordered proteins; liquid-liquid phase separation; ion-induced RNA folding and dynamics; lncRNA structures; X-ray scattering theory of biomolecules in solvent

    471 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: 716-645-4166

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Paras Prasad.

    428 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4148

    Fax: (716) 645-6945


    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Samuel P. Capen Chair of Chemistry
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Executive Director
    Institute for Lasers, Photonics, and Biophotonics
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Nanophotonics, Nonlinear Optical Effects in Organic and Organic: Inorganic Hybrids, Multiphoton Processes and Applications, Metaphotonics and Chiral Photonics, Biophotonics, Nanomedicine, Sensor Technology, Energy Materials, Nanomagnetics

    428 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4148

    Fax: (716) 645-6945


  • Steven Ray.

    410 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4241

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Analytical Chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, and Chemical Instrumentation: Distance-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry, Soft-landing Mass Spectrometry, Novel Detector Platforms for Mass Spectrometry, New Mass Spectrometry Instrumentation and Ionization Sources, Atomic Spectrometry, Plasma Spectrochemistry

    410 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4241

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • John Richard.

    633 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4232

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Mechanism for enzyme-catalyzed reactions: Small molecule model reactions; structure-reactivity studies on mutant enzymes; the role of flexible loops; and, mechanisms for transition-state stabilization

    633 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4232

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Javid Rzayev.

    826 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4314

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Polymer and organic materials chemistry: synthesis of multicomponent polymers, self-assembly and nanomaterials, chemical upcycling of polymers

    826 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4314

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Thomas Szyperski.

    816 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4309

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    UB Distinguished Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences
    Adjunct Senior Researcher
    Hauptman-Woodward Medical Research Institute

    Research Interests: Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based structural biology, structural genomics and metabonomics: NMR methodology development, applications to study protein structure, dynamics and folding, metabolic profiling.

    816 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4309

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Luis Velarde.

    756 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4243

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Associate Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Physical, materials and analytical chemistry: Nonlinear spectroscopy of interfaces, ultrafast processes at surfaces, molecular devices, biointerfaces and environmental surface chemistry.

    756 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4243

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • David Watson.

    531 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4189

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Inorganic, materials, and physical chemistry: Synthesis and surface-functionalization of materials, assembly of nanostructured interfaces, spectroscopic characterization of photoinduced electron transfer.

    531 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4189

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Troy Wood.

    417 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4144

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    Director of Undergraduate Studies
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Mass spectrometry: Low-flow electrospray ionization, biomarker identification, metabolomics, proteomics, molecular imaging mass spectrometry, tandem mass spectrometry.

    417 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4144

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


  • Eva Zurek.

    777 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4332

    Fax: (716) 645-6963


    SUNY Distinguished Professor
    Department of Chemistry
    College of Arts and Sciences

    Research Interests: Theoretical and computational chemistry: electronic structure and properties of discrete and extended systems, materials and structure prediction, molecular self-assembly on surfaces, catalysis

    777 Natural Sciences Complex

    Phone: (716) 645-4332

    Fax: (716) 645-6963
