From left to right, Joshua Hazelnis, Jaclyn Raymond, Alexander Manly.
In summer 2019, three undergraduate chemistry majors performed research with support of departmental awards and fellowships. These invaluable experiential learning opportunities are made possible by the generosity of alumni and friends of the department.
Working under the direction of Prof. Tim Cook, Joshua explored the molecular chemistry of non-aqueous redox flow batteries, an intriguing new energystorage technology. Non-aqueous redox flow batteries offer much higher energy capacities than aqueous devices, owing to the wider potential windows of non-aqueous solvents. Joshua’s research revealed how the choices of membrane, electrode, and electrolyte of non-aqueous redox flow batteries affect electrochemical properties and energy-storage performance. His work is likely to inform the design of redox flow batteries with real-world applications.
Jaclyn was our first ever Hillig Awardee! Her research project in Prof. Janet Morrow’s group focused on the synthesis of anionic iron(III) coordination complexes bearing 14-membered macrocyclic ligands, and the evaluation of these complexes as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents. Jaclyn synthesized and characterized ligands and complexes and evaluated the magnetic properties of the complexes. A central goal was to stabilize the redox-active paramagnetic Fe(III) center through appropriate choice of ligand functionality. The project is part of the Morrow group’s groundbreaking efforts to develop MRI contrast agents incorporating first-row transition metals as alternatives to gadolinium-derived agents with harmful side effects.
Alex’s research in Prof. David Watson’s group involved the fabrication of ternary semiconductor heterostructures consisting of bilayers of metal-chalcogenide quantum dots tethered to wide-bandgap metal oxide semiconductor thin films. Carbodiimide coupling reactions between adsorbed ligands were used to assemble the heterostructures. Materials components were chosen to facilitate stepwise excited-state charge transfer reactions yielding long-distance separation of photogenerated charge carriers. The heterostructures hold promise in lightharvesting and redox photocatalysis. Alex synthesized materials components and heterostructures and evaluated their photoinduced charge-transfer reactivity using spectroscopic methods.
Dr. Luis A. Colón and Mrs. Lorraine Anderson-Colón in order to support the Department of Chemistry have created an endowed fund within the University at Buffalo Foundation, Inc. to be used for the purpose of supporting graduate students pursing PhDs in the area of analytical chemistry.
Hillig Student Assistance Fund
Dr. Kathy J. Dien Hillig and Dr. Kurt W. Hillig II have created an endowed fund within the University at Buffalo Foundation, Inc. to be used for the purpose of assisting students in the Department of Chemistry. The Donors wish to honor Dr. Kathy J. Dien Hillig’s alma mater (Class of 1977, BS in Chemistry) and provide financial support for students majoring in Chemistry.
Awards, Scholarships, and Fellowships are Made Possible Through the Generosity of Our Donors!