Staff Advancement

Kelly Thuman

Kelly Thuman, who served as the Department of Chemistry’s Department Administrator/Chief of Staff for two-and-a-half years, is moving onward and upward. Kelly recently accepted a position as Sector Administrative Director within the College of Arts and Sciences.

As Department Administrator/Chief of Staff, Kelly served as a strategic partner and advisor to the chair, managed Chemistry’s finances and addressed inquiries about accounts and processes, led our staff and served as a liaison with the dean’s office, and recently took over as our course scheduler. She also played a leading role in our department’s ongoing efforts to reorganize our staffing hierarchy and to improve branding and communication. Kelly’s work on all fronts was exemplary.

As Sector Administrative Director, Kelly will lead staff from across the College’s new Natural Sciences and Mathematics sector and will work closely with the sector’s associate dean. Although Kelly is leaving Chemistry, she’ll remain engaged with the department.

Chemistry’s faculty, staff, and students congratulate Kelly on this promotion! We look forward to working with her as Sector Administrative Director.