933 Clemens
Email: cflaugh@buffalo.edu
Email: dorothya@buffalo.edu
College of Arts and Sciences Endowed Professor; Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies
539 Park Hall
Email: robinmit@buffalo.edu
921 Clemens Hall
Email: fnegrete@buffalo.edu
283 Alumni Arena
Email: anereson@buffalo.edu
514 Baldy
Email: sarah@buffalo.edu
908 Clemens Hall
Email: schoene3@buffalo.edu
Terry-Ann Smith
CTRC Research Facilities and Building Manager
Clinical and Translational Research Center
Email: tysmith@buffalo.edu
915 Clemens
Email: ugolini@buffalo.edu
1010 C Clemens Hall
Email: rinaldow@buffalo.edu
We welcome partnerships with faculty across all disciplines. Please submit a statement of interest and your CV to Kyla Tompkins, chair of GGS.