Ruth Mack

Ruth Mack.

Ruth Mack

Ruth Mack


eighteenth-century British literature; historiography; history of literary criticism

Works in Progress

  • "Habitual Knowledge: Theory and the Everyday in Enlightenment Britain." Book in progress.

Selected Publications

  • “The Limits of the Senses in Johnson’s Scotland.” Ed. Manushag N. Powell and Rivka Swenson. The Sensational Subject. Spec. issue of The Eighteenth Century: Theory and Interpretation 54.2 (2013): 279-94.
  • “’Seeing something that was doing in the World’: The Form of History in Colonel Jack.” Form and Formalism in the British Eighteenth-Century Novel. Ed. John Richetti. Spec. issue of Eighteenth-Century Fiction 24.2 (2011-12): 227-46.
  • "Paper Castle, Paper Collection: Walpole’s Extra-Illustrated Strawberry Hill." Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill, ed. Michael Snodin. Yale University Press. 2009.
  • Literary Historicity: Literature and Historical Experience in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Stanford University Press. December 2008.
  • "Horace Walpole and the Objects of Literary History." ELH 75 (2008): 367-87.
  • "Quixotic Ethnography: Charlotte Lennox and the Dilemma of Cultural Observation." Novel: A Forum on Fiction 38.2 (Spring/Summer 2005): 193-213.
  • "The Historicity of Johnson’s Lexicographer." Representations 76 (Fall 2001): 61-87.

Awards and Fellowships

  • Walter Jackson Bate Fellow, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study.  2013- 2014.
  • Postdoctoral Fellow. The Center for Humanistic Inquiry, Emory University. 2005- 2006.
  • NEH Summer Stipend. 2006