David Herzberg


David Herzberg.

David Herzberg


David Herzberg


Director, MA in Drugs, Health and Society Program


20th century United States History; Gender and Sexuality; Medicine, Disability and Science; Social and Cultural History


  • PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 2005
  • MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1997
  • BA, Wesleyan University, 1993

Courses Regularly Taught

  • Bad Medicine: Race and the Tuskegee Syphilis Study, 1932-1972
  • U.S. History since the Civil War
  • Drugs & Global Capitalism
  • Health and Illness in American History
  • Alcohol & Other Drugs in American History
  • U.S. Historiography II (grad)

Research Interests

I am a historian of drugs whose research focuses on the legal kind—psychoactive pharmaceuticals. I explore the nature and trajectory of drug commerce, drug use, and drug policy in American racial capitalism. My work has appeared in numerous scholarly and medical journals, in popular media, and in three books:  White Market Drugs: Big Pharma and the Hidden History of Addiction in America (University of Chicago Press, 2020); Happy Pills in America: From Miltown to Prozac (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009); and (with Helena Hansen and Jules Netherland), Whiteout: How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America (University of California Press, 2023). I am also co-editor of Social History of Alcohol and Drugs: An Interdisciplinary Journal, the official organ of the Alcohol and Drug History Society.

Current Research

I am working on three projects: a history of healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc.) and addiction in the U.S.; a volume co-edited with Nils Kessel and Joseph Gabriel exploring alternatives to the drug- medicine divide as a frame for the history of psychoactive substances in 20th century Europe and America; and a volume co-edited with Keith Wailoo and Helena Hansen on “keywords” in drugs and addiction.

Selected Publications


Helena Hansen, Jules Netherland, and David Herzberg, Whiteout: How Racial Capitalism Changed the Color of Opioids in America (University of California Press, 2023)

David Herzberg, White Market Drugs: Big Pharma and the Hidden History of Addiction in America (University of Chicago Press, 2020)

David Herzberg, Happy Pills in America: From Miltown to Prozac (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2009)


Lie, Hansen, Herzberg, Mold, Jauffret-Roustide, Dussauge, Roberts, Greene, and Campbell, “The harms of constructing addiction as a chronic, relapsing brain disease,” American Journal of Public Health 112(52), Supp 2, 2022, S104-S108.

David Herzberg, “Early U.S. drug regimes and medical and drug cultures,” Oxford University Press Companion to Drug History (Paul Gootenberg, ed.), 2022.

David Herzberg, “Between the Free Market and the Drug War,” in David Farber, ed., The War on Drugs: A History: Fifty Years, a Trillion Dollars, and Thirty Million Arrests (New York University Press, 2021)

David Herzberg and Jeremy Greene, “Stuck in Traffic? Conflicting regimes of global pharmaceutical governance,” Diplomatic History 45(5), November 2021, 940-953.

“From one extreme to the other? The political construction of opioid consensus in the U.S.’s long 20th century,” Les Cahiers Droit Sciences et Technologies, special issue on “consensus in science and medicine,” forthcoming 2021.

Danielle Fine, David Herzberg, and Sarah Wakeman, “Societal Biases, Institutional Discrimination, and Trends in Opioid Use in the USA,” Journal of General Internal Medicine 36 (2021), 797-801.

Scott Podolsky, David Herzberg, and Jeremy Greene, “Preying on Prescribers (and Their Patients): Pharmaceutical Marketing, Iatrogenic Epidemics, and the Sackler Legacy,” New England Journal of Medicine, April 10, 2019, 1-3.

David Herzberg, “Entitled to Addiction? Race and pharmaceuticals in America’s first drug war,” Bulletin of the History of Medicine 91 (Fall 2017): 586-623.

Nancy D. Campbell and David Herzberg, “Gender and critical drug studies: An invitation and an exhortation,” Introduction for co-edited dual special issues of Contemporary Drug Problems 44:4 (December 2017) and Social History of Alcohol and Drugs, Fall 2017.

David Herzberg, Honoria Guarino, Pedro Mateu-Gelabert, and Alex S. Bennett, “Recurring Epidemics of Pharmaceutical Drug Abuse in America: Time for an All-Drug Strategy,” American Journal of Public Health, March 2016: 408-10.

David Herzberg, “Pills” in Rethinking Therapeutic Culture, eds. Timothy Aubrey and Trysh Travis (University of Chicago Press, 2015).

David Herzberg, “Busted for Blockbusters: ‘Scrip Mills’ and Prescribing Power in the 1970s,” in Jeremy Greene and Elizabeth Segal Watkins, eds., Prescribed: Writing, Filling, Using, and Abusing the Prescription in Modern America (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2012).

Jeremy Greene and David Herzberg, “Hidden in Plain Sight: The Popular Promotion of Prescription Drugs in the 20th Century,” American Journal of Public Health (May 2010): 793-803.

David Herzberg, “‘The Pill You Love Can Turn On You’: Feminism, Tranquilizers, and the Valium Panic of the 1970s.” American Quarterly (March 2006): 79-103.


Exceptional Scholar- Sustained Achievement Award, University at Buffalo, 2024

Rachel Carson Prize, Society for the Social Studies of Science, for Whiteout, 2024

New Millennium Book Award, Society for Medical Anthropology, for Whiteout, 2024

Rorabaugh Prize, Alcohol and Drug History Society (for “a first or second monograph in the English language in the history of alcohol and drug studies”), for White Market Drugs, 2022

J. Worth Estes Article Prize from the American Association for the History of Medicine, 2018

National Institute of Health / National Library of Medicine, Grant for Scholarly Work in Biomedicine and Health (G13), 2015-2018.

Paper of the Year Award from the American Journal of Public Health, the official organ of the American Public Health Association, 2011.

Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, 1997-2001.

Affiliations and other notes