Samuel Catlin


Samuel Catlin.

Samuel Catlin


Samuel Catlin


Irving M. and Marilyn C. Shuman Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Jewish Thought


  • PhD, Department of Comparative Literature and the Divinity School, University of Chicago
  • MA, Department of Comparative Literature, University of Chicago
  • BA, Literary Studies, Middlebury College


Professor Samuel Catlin’s research and teaching interests span religion and literature; rabbinic and modern Jewish thought and culture; American cultural studies; Bible and biblical interpretation; secularism and the post-secular; literary and critical theory; gender and sexuality studies; and the intersections of religious, racial, and national identities, especially but not only in the United States. He is currently completing a book manuscript, tentatively titled “The Rest is Literature: Judaism and the Institution of Literary Studies,” which traces the powerful but often occluded role of Judaic texts and traditions—and non-Jewish thinkers’ ideas about these—in the formation of the modern, secular academic discipline of literary criticism from the late eighteenth to the early twenty-first centuries.