Colter Harper Releases New Album

Assistant Teaching Professor Colter Harper has released a new album, "Live at Studio B," recorded in July 2023 at WQED in Pittsburgh, PA. Captured in front of a live studio audience and performed in a single take, the album represents six years of groundbreaking live performances and bold musical experimentation.

The group, Bombici, masterfully blends spontaneous composition with electronic processing, creating intricate sonic landscapes that defy conventional genre boundaries. Drawing inspiration from American jazz, hard rock, global folk traditions, and pop music, the album surprises listeners with its dynamic range, navigating the complex time signatures of Balkan folk songs and channeling influences from New York’s late-70s no-wave scene.

The album features a stellar lineup, including saxophonists Ben Opie and Patrick Breiner, guitarist Colter Harper, electronic musician Jesse Stiles, bassist Ryan McMasters, and percussionists Rich Randall and Jonathan Heins. Released on November 1, 2024, Live at Studio B invites listeners to experience music in a new and captivating way.

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