News and Announcements

  • Congratulations to our 2019 Haynie Award winners!
    IDP honored two outstanding students this year with the 2019 Charles Haynie Memorial Award. Lisa Marcellus (Environmental Studies; International Business) and Helen Bamiro (International Studies) impressed the selection committee with their commitment to social justice and civic engagement. We are excited to see what the future holds for these two scholars and activists!
  • Gunnar Haberl Wins Chancellor's Award for Student Excellence
    Congratulations to IDP student Gunnar Haberl (Social Sciences Interdisciplinary – Legal Studies) for being named a recipient of the 2019 SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Student Excellence!
  • SSCIDP student publishes report with the Partnership for Public Good
    Congratulations to Anna Blatto (Urban & Public Policy), whose volunteer internship with the local community-based think tank Partnership for the Public Good (PPG) resulted in a solo-authored report on segregation in Buffalo!
  • Congratulations to our 2018 Study Abroad Award winners!
    In 2018, we were thrilled to offer awards to three SSCIDP students in support of their study abroad experiences: Ashwaq Asfour, Dominic Difiglia and Kaitlin Sullivan. 
  • Recognition Ceremony
    On May 14, 2018, several of our students were recognized at a ceremony honoring their achievements both within and outside the classroom. Congratulations to all of our graduating seniors!