Nicholas Tucker Reyes

Tucker Reyes.

Research Interests: Law & Society, Inequality, Economic Sociology, Criminology

MA: Sociology and Education, 2022, Teachers College, Columbia University
BS: Financial Counseling and Planning, 2018, Purdue University
BA: Law and Society, 2020, Purdue University

Tucker Reyes is a PhD student and teaching assistant in the Department of Sociology and Criminology at the University at Buffalo. His research centers on law and culture and how this intersection shapes inequality. He has studied the historical progression of the welfare state and public assistance programs and the legal stigmatization of the “undeserving” versus the “deserving poor.” His current research examines the legal history of lending practices in the early twentieth-century U.S. He is also working on collaborative projects examining how at-risk youth conceptualize punishment and the degree to which sociodemographic factors influence social mobility and indebtedness across the life course.

Reyes, Nicholas Tucker and Spencer Headworth. 2024. “Credit Cars: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Car Loans.” Law & Social Inquiry 49(4), 2184–2212.

Finkeldey, Jessica G., Christopher R. Dennison, Nicholas Tucker Reyes, Abigayle DiRusso, and Mercedes Brown. Forthcoming. “Contact with and Perceptions of Campus Police Among College Students at a Small-Town University.” Criminal Justice Review.

Headworth, Spencer and Nicholas Tucker Reyes. 2021. “Welfare Fraud.” The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology.

“Once in debt, always indebted? Examining the impact of student loans on the transition to adulthood.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Montréal, Quebec, Canada, 2024

“Race and Childhood Determinism: A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Punishment Attitudes Towards Juvenile Offenders.” Law & Society Association Annual Meeting in Denver, Colorado, 2024

"Intra-generational Mobility and Changes in Substance Use: Objective Mobility, Subjective Mobility, or Both?” American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2023

"He/She/They: Gender Pronouns and Gender Bias in Student Evaluations of Teaching.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2023

“Credentialism and Debt in Workforce Development: Examining the Historical Influence of Law, Policy, and Market Deregulation on Workforce Education in the U.S.” Law and Society Association Annual Meeting in San Juan, Puerto Rico, 2023

“Collateral Damage: Law and the Advent of Automobile Loans.” Global Meeting on Law and Society in Lisbon, Portugal, 2022

“Automobility on Installments or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Car Loans.” American Sociological Association Annual Meeting in Los Angeles, California, 2022
