Students on the Job Market 2024-25


Shiyue Cui

Dissertation: “Making It Work Here”: Mixed Methods Research about Refugee Employment, Family Dynamics, and Gender Roles”
Committee: Robert Adelman (chair), Kristen Schultz Lee, Yige Dong, Wooksoo Kim
Research Areas: International Migration, Environmental Sociology, Race and Ethnicity, Criminology, Gender and Family, Urban

Byung Soo Lee.

Byung Soo Lee
Dissertation: “The Perceived Meaning of Eldercare among the Sandwich Generation of Adult Koreans and Korean Immigrants in the United States”
Committee: Kristen Schultz Lee (chair), Robert Adelman, Debra Street
Research Areas: Sociology of Family, Aging and the Life Course, Immigration, Gender, Immigration, Race and Ethnicity, Sociology of Education
CV: Byung Soo Lee CV

Picture of Laura.

Laura Obernesser

Dissertation: “The Ambiguity of Help: Grandparents, their Adult Children, and the Ambiguity of Childcare among Rural Western New Yorkers”
Committee: Kristen Schultz Lee (chair), Ashley Barr, Debra Street
Research Areas: Family, Families and Inequality, Family Roles, Rural Families, Aging and the life course, Transition to adulthood, Intimate Relationships, Kinship ties, Generations and Society, Stress, Agency, Qualitative Methods

Rachel Zhang.

Srushti Upadhyay

Dissertation: “Let’s Click!": Intimacy, Economy, and Technology in the World of Sugar Babies
Committee: Erin Hatton (Chair), Robert Adelman, Yige Dong
Research Areas: Gender and sexuality, Labor, Gender and Work, Digital work and labor, Technology, Sex work

Rachel Zhang.

Zhe (Rachel) Zhang
Dissertation: “Neighborhoods and Wellbeing: A Life Course Approach”
Committee: Ashley Barr (chair), Robert Adelman, Yunmei (Iris) Lu
Research Areas: Urban Sociology, Criminology, Health, Family, Quantitative Methods

CV: Zhe (Rachel) Zhang CV