Recent News

  • Ávila-Shah Receives $5,000 CATT AI Seed Grant
    The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures extends heartfelt congratulations to our Language Coordinator and Adjunct Assistant Professor in Spanish, Dr. Bárbara Ávila-Shah, on receiving a $5,000.00 AI Seed Grant from the UB Office of Curriculum, Assessment and Teaching Transformation. 
  • McCarron Awarded $83K SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant
    The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures is thrilled to announce that Dr. Melissa McCarron, Clinical Assistant Professor of Spanish, has recently been awarded a $83K SUNY Innovative Instruction Technology Grant to develop a mobile app with AI conversation support for culturally competent communication across health professions.
  • RLL Collaborates with UB Latino Medical Student Association and Office of Medical Curriculum to Integrate Spanish Language Instruction into MD Program
    The Department of Romance Languages and Literatures at the University at Buffalo has garnered recognition in a recent UB Now article. The spotlight shines on the local chapter of the Latino Medical Student Association (LMSA), which brought home a first-place award in the 2024 Northeast Conference Poster Competition. Heartfelt congratulations to the LMSA team!
  • Opportunities to live and work in Italy!
    Italian majors and minors: Please consider these two great upcoming opportunities to live and work in Italy! Several Italian students have gone in the past and they all had a beautiful experience!
  • Social Impact Fellows team wins 2nd place "Pitch for a Cause" competition
    RLL PhD candidate Marie Celine Dufay Verbié and her team won 2nd place in the "Pitch for a Cause" competition that ended the Summer 2023 Social Impact Fellows program.
  • RLL PhD candidates receive Mark Diamond Research Fund support
    RLL PhD candidates Alex Bakke and Jamison García Ramírez have been awarded Mark Diamond research fund grants for their dissertation projects.