Each year we support Asia-related campus scholarly, arts, and cultural programs, and fund undergraduate study abroad scholarships and small research awards for faculty and graduate students out of our annual budget. We’d love to have your help. Would you consider supporting our Asian Studies Program Fund or our Asian Studies Study Abroad Fund?
Your financial contributions will make it possible for more UB students to experience the world in new ways and enhance their career prospects through study abroad in Asia. Or, if you chose to contribute to the Program Fund, you will support cutting edge environmental, social, or historical research in or about Asia.
Please consider making a financial contribution to the Asian Studies Study Abroad Scholarship Fund or Asian Studies Program Fund today! You’ll help UB provide a vibrant academic program focused on key issues and regions in Asia.
If you are considering a major or planned gift to one of these funds or establishing a named endowed fund, please contact the College of Arts and Science Giving Options page to contact the Office of Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement.