
Our events are usually free, open to the public, and benefit from a wide participation – please email us for more information, watch our website and Facebook page, or join our program email list to receive event notices and the eNewsletters!

Asia @ Noon Lecture Series

Asia@Noon talks are held many Fridays throughout the academic year held in various rooms across North Campus. The presenter usually speaks for about 45 minutes, with time for discussion at the end of each talk. Undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and people from the Buffalo community are invited and encouraged to attend. If you are a scholar of Asia-related research, we invite you to contact us about speaking at Asia@Noon.

2024-25 Events

The Work of Literary Translation in the Age of Digital Computability or, How I Stopped Worrying And Learned To Love Google Translate

Steven Yao, PhD
Edmund A. LeFevre Professor of English, Hamilton College

Date: November 21, 2024
Time: 3 p.m.
Location: Poetry Collection, 420 Capen Hall

Steven Yao is the author of two influential books: "Translation and the Languages of Modernism" (Palgrave/St. Martins, 2002) and "Foreign Accents: Chinese American Verse from Exclusion to Postethnicity" (Oxford, 2010), the latter of which received the Association for Asian American Studies Book Award in Literary Studies. He has also co-edited "Sinographies: Writing China" (Minnesota, 2008), "Pacific Rim Modernisms" (Toronto, 2009), and "Ezra Pound and Education" (2012).

Yao’s contributions to scholarship have been recognized with numerous honors, including an ACE Fellowship for the 2012-13 academic year and a fellowship from the American Council of Learned Societies in 2005. He holds a PhD in English from the University of California, Berkeley.

Pain and Empathy: Exploring the Literature of Nobel Laureate Han Kang

A Symposium with Keynote Speaker Yoon Sun Yang

Date: March 27, 2025
Time: 4–7:30 p.m.
Location: Screening Room - 112 Center for the Arts

A buffet reception with food, beverages, and engaging conversation will follow the symposium at 7 p.m. 
All attendees are warmly invited to join.

Registration closes on Sunday, March 23.

Discover the profound literary contributions of Han Kang, recipient of the 2024 Nobel Prize in Literature and the first South Korean and Asian woman to receive this prestigious honor. This symposium celebrates Han Kang’s body of work, renowned for its poetic exploration of South Korea’s history, empathy and philosophical reflection.

An artistic drawing of Han Kang.

Illustration: Nikas Elmehed

The symposium features:

  • An introduction to “Human Acts” and the Gwangju Uprising of 1980.
  • A multimedia reading of excerpts from “Human Acts.”
  • A keynote address, “Feeling the Pain of Others: Nobel Laureate Han Kang’s Literature,” by Professor Yoon Sun Yang (Boston University), a leading scholar of Korean literature and culture.

About the Keynote Speaker:

Yoon Sun Yang

Professor Yoon Sun Yang is an Associate Professor of Korean and Comparative Literature and of Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Boston University. Her book “From Domestic Women to Sensitive Young Men: Translating the Individual in Early Colonial Korea” (Harvard University Press, 2017) received the James B. Palais Book Prize of the Association for Asian Studies in 2020.

Yoon Sun Yang.

2025 Annual Conference of the Asia Research Institute

Medicine, the Body, and the Senses: Asian Perspectives

Date: Friday, April 11, 2025
Time: All Day
Location: Buffalo Room- 10 Capen Hall, North Campus

Join twenty-two scholars from Asia, Europe, and North America as they gather at UB for the 2025 annual conference of the Asia Research Institute. This multidisciplinary conference will explore how understandings of the body and the senses shape:

  • Healing outcomes in medical traditions
  • Religious experiences and embodied practice
  • Gender relations and sociopolitical processes across Asia
  • The influence of social, political, and religious contexts on sensorial perception

Keynote Speaker:

Judith Farquhar

 Max Palevsky Professor Emerita of Anthropology and Social Sciences, University of Chicago

Renowned for her groundbreaking research on traditional medicine, popular culture, and everyday life in contemporary China, Professor Farquhar’s work has shaped the field of medical anthropology.

Conference Conveners:

  • Yan Liu – Associate Professor of History, UB
  • Genie Yoo – Postdoctoral Fellow, Dumbarton Oaks & Incoming Assistant Professor of History, UB

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