Why study Biological Sciences?

Regardless of their interest or level, students who receive training in the Department of Biological Sciences become a member of our community of scholars, working closely together with us to learn, to advance the field of biology and to obtain a foundation that will allow them to pursue life science-associated careers across the spectrum of public, private, and non-profit sectors.

  • Ranked as one of the top 50 biology departments in the US by the National Science Foundation and the National Research Council.
  • Over 40% of our faculty have received awards for excellence in undergraduate instruction, including the SUNY Chancellors Award, the student-nominated Milton Plesur Award, and the Meyerson Award for teaching and mentoring.
  • Our curriculum is centered around providing students with practical training and experience, including opportunities to work with faculty on nationally-recognized research projects.
  • Alumni-endowed funding provides our students with research support.