
Ecology concept . Green sapling , young plant showing ecology growth or nature concept.

The SMP’s flexible timeline and diverse course offerings allow students to create a customized curriculum to meet their needs and interests.

Curriculum Requirements

SMP students must complete a minimum of the following credit hour requirements for graduation: 

  • 30 credit hours total
  • 18 credit hours of formal coursework
    —8 of the 18 formal credit hours must be in Biological Sciences.
    —Remainder can be anywhere else at the University at Buffalo.
  • 6 credit hours of graduate research.
  • 4 credit hours of graduate seminar.

Popular Course Examples

Our SMP students have chosen from among over one hundred different courses across UB’s three campuses. Examples of the more popular courses are listed below.

Biological Sciences Courses

  • BIO 501 Advanced Biochemistry
  • BIO 502 Advanced Cell and Developmental Biology
  • BIO 507 Advanced Ecology
  • BIO 524 Cancer Immunology
  • BIO 550 Human Evolutionary Genomics
  • BIO 560 Developmental Evolution
  • BIO 619 Experimental Design

Popular Pre-Med Courses

  • PAS 527 Pre-medical Gross Anatomy
  • BCH 503 Biochemical Principles
  • SPA 534 Spanish for Healthcare Professions
  • EEH 520 Biological Basis for Public Health
  • PGY 551 Human Physiology 1
  • NTR 503 Nutrition and Health
  • CHB 525 Health Disparities

Popular Pre-dental Courses

  • ORB 510 Saliva & The Oral Microbiome
  • ORB 545 Dynamics of Bone
  • APY 546 Dental Anthropology
  • OS 502 Physiology of Pain
  • MIC 501 Medical Microbiology (course with DDS students)
  • MGH 641 Business of Healthcare
  • EEH 500 Intro to Epidemiology

Additional popular courses

  • NRS 524 Quantitative Neuroanatomy
  • SW 580 Psychopathology
  • EVS 589 Urban Ecology
  • PMY 516 Neuropharmacology
  • LAI 514 Adolescent Writing Across Culture
  • CHB 522 Refugee Health
  • BCH 507 Protein Structure and Function

Pathway Timeline Examples

SMP Students may pursue degree completion at their own pace and enroll either part time or full time. Students frequently reduce course load when preparing for the MCAT or DAT, or when research/employment obligations are heavy in a semester, or increase course load when they have more free time. The SMP is designed to be completed in three semesters, but can be completed in as little as two semesters (nine months) or extended longer.

Shown below are three sample pathways; courses mentioned are only used as examples and can be substituted to match interest and need.

Pathway 1 is ideal for students who have already applied to professional programs and those who have availability to commit to a strenuous workload.

Pathway 1, Fall Semester

  • BIO 502 Advanced Cell & Developmental Biology
  • BCH 503 Biochemical Principles
  • CHB 525 Health Disparities
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 614 Departmental Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Begin research project

Pathway 1, Spring Semester

  • BIO 524 Cancer Immunology
  • PAS 527 Pre-medical Gross Anatomy
  • BIO 526 Human Genetic Diseases
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 614 Departmental Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Complete research project, graduate

Pathway 2, is ideal for many students and pathways, and allows for flexibility but rigorous training

Pathway 2, Fall semester 1

  • BIO 550 Human Evolutionary Genomics
  • MT 527 Clinical Biochemistry
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 614 Departmental Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Begin research project

Pathway 2, Spring semester 1

  • BIO 560 Developmental Evolution
  • EEH 550 Environmental Health
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 614 Departmental Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Continue research project

Pathway 2, Fall semester 2

  • BIO 517 Neurobiology
  • EEH 530 Intro to Health Care
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Complete research project, graduate

Pathway 3 is ideal for students who may work part- or full-time, have outside responsibilities, or need to take the MCAT or DAT.

Pathway 3, Fall semester 1

  • BIO 619 Experimental Design
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 614 Departmental Seminar
  • Take MCAT/DAT, work/shadow.

Pathway 3, Spring semester 1

  • MIC 502 Medical Microbiology
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • ORB 500 Craniofacial Development
  • Begin research project

Pathway 3, Fall semester 2

  • BIO 501 Advanced Biochemistry
  • SPA 534 Spanish for Healthcare professions
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Continue research project

Pathway 3, Spring semester 2

  • BIO 500 Bioinformatics
  • BIO 610 MA Student Seminar
  • BIO 614 Departmental Seminar
  • BIO 615 Advanced Research Topics
  • Complete research project, graduate
  • Curriculum
    The SMP’s flexible timeline and diverse course offerings allow students to create a customized curriculum to meet their needs and interests.
  • Research
    SMP students are required to complete a research project of their choosing. This research project may be conducted with faculty in Biological Sciences, or located somewhere else on campus, and this project may be experimental, data-analysis, or literature based. All research projects culminate in a seminar presentation either at the MA Student Seminar series or in an alternate setting, as well as with a written project summary.
  • Program Features
    Our SMP students are supported both inside and outside of the classroom to help them achieve their goals.