We need your help.
Your gift helps students go farther than they've ever dreamed! (Photo: Wael Bazzi)
Women’s rights and gender equality have become increasing priorities for local and international development initiatives. This places the UB Department of Global Gender and Sexuality Studies at the forefront of a determination to change, with the courage to investigate critical issues affecting all global citizens.
Our commitment to advocate for a better future cannot take effect unless we have the support of everyone in our community. That is where you come in!
We embrace the power of education to shape the future and understand the lives of people across different locations, times, sexes, genders, sexualities, races, cultures, religions and disability statuses. We are now striving to ensure our collaboration and education is available to every student. Your support assures this opportunity. Together, let us offer our students the best chance to succeed, and realize a shared dream through our joint efforts.
Please consider making a gift to the Global Gender Studies Fund today!