Meet Our Students

Our students come from diverse backgrounds and pursue a variety of different careers, but they have one thing in common: a desire to understand the past. We're honored to help them on their journey. Learn more about why our students think the University at Buffalo Department of History is the perfect place to study. 

  • Crystal L. Couch, BA Class of 2021
    “I can say, with confidence, that my time at UB in the undergraduate history program was exciting, engaging, welcoming, and unique. I had the opportunity to learn and interact with some of the most knowledgeable and engaging professors, who strived to make each class exciting. I learned skills and knowledge that were versatile and adaptable to my current life as a graduate education student. I am grateful for my decision to pursue my B. A in history and am thankful for the experiences I gained during my time in the program.” 
  • David Strittmatter, PhD Class of 2018
    Since starting the PhD program here, I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of opportunities grad students can take advantage of. Research and conference funding is available from a number of sources, and the department has given me the opportunity to teach three of my own classes.
  • Vicky Jocelin, BA Class of 2009
    I graduated from the University at Buffalo in May of 2009 with a BA in History and Teacher Education Minor. My degree created an opening at a non-profit agency where I assisted over-aged and under credited at-risk students earn their high school diploma.
  • Victoria Iachetta, BA Class of 2014
    Choosing to become a history major was never something I thought twice about. After my first semester of college, I knew that I wouldn’t enjoy my time at UB if I wasn’t reading, writing, and learning about the things I’m passionate about.
  • Joshua Keil, MA Class of 2018
    If you enjoy learning about history, working with renowned scholars within various fields on a personal basis, creating and conducting your own research limited only by your imagination, and generally enjoy the company of fellow nerds and actually having fun in an academic setting, then I would say “Welcome to the University at Buffalo!” because you’ve found the right place!
  • Angelo Lomeo, BA Class of 2011, MA Class of 2013
    "I am a 10th grade World History and AP World History teacher at a high school in the local Buffalo area. I do not know what my current life would look like without the University at Buffalo's History Undergraduate program. The program and its professors, especially Dr. Andreas Daum, are welcoming, enthusiastic, supportive, rigorous, and inspiring. At the end of the program, I not only felt well-prepared for my career, but I felt the life lessons learned and relationships formed along the way indicated to me that taking the program was one of the best decisions I have ever made." 
  • Eric Stroiber, BA Class of 2009
    Majoring in history does not limit one to becoming a history teacher. Many industries, including banking, are recruiting liberal arts majors because of their ability to think critically, understand and manage complex social and political relationships, and develop new ideas on how companies should navigate current and future business environments.
  • Corrine Cardinale, BA Class of 2018
    I’ve always loved reading, writing, and telling stories. When I was in high school, I realized that there were some stories that carried more significance than others to me, and those were historical stories. I remember hearing the quote, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”
  • Mohamad Naji, BA Class of 2021
    “One thing I loved during my time in the history department, is the amazing professors I had. There is a wide range of topics that students can learn about and all the professors made the classes fantastic. I only ever had fantastic professors and they really made my experience only more enjoyable. You really cannot go wrong with any of the professors and I look at a lot of them as role models for me beyond my time at UB.” 
  • Katherine Bonk, BA Class of 2018
    I wanted to go to college to be a teacher, but UB did not have that as an option for undergrads, and because I knew I wanted to teach history, I became a history major.