UB Theatre and Dance Presents: Fefu and Her Friends

Book by Maria Irene Fornés
Directed by Lindsay Brandon Hunter

March 6-8, 2025 @ 7:30 pm
March 8-9, 2025 @ 2:00 pm
UB Center for the Arts
Black Box Theatre

FEFU AND HER FRIENDS is produced by special arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing Inc, NYC
Originally produced by the New York Theater Strategy.


This Performance will run approximately
1 Hour and 30 Minutes
Including One 15-minute Intermission


This production contains atmospheric effects, flashing lights, and sudden and loud sound effects. Additionally, this production includes prop firearms and the sound of gunshots, and includes depictions of death, distress due to mental illness (including hallucination), and discussion of acquired physical disability. Due to the aforementioned content advisories, Fefu and Her Friends is recommended for ages 14+.


Fefu…………..….……………..……..Amaya Sonubi

Cindy…………………………....……….Melina White

Christina….………..………….…...……..Sarah Bray

Julia…….……………………..…...Caroline Jameson

Emma …..………….………....Angel Frias Fuertes

Paula………………….….....….…….Katie Timmons

Sue…….…………………………....……..Sophia Brito

Cecilia.…..………………………….…….…Cal Boozel

Sophia Vessecchia…………...……….Understudy


Stage Manager…………….………..…….………..……….......Sophia Larish

Assistant Stage Manager…..…..…........………….…......Faith Marsala

Technical Director……………………………………....……....Luigi LoCascio

Set & Lighting Designer…………….………………….....….Lisa Gallagher

Co-Sound Designers…………….....Mallory Tirone, Michael Chung

Projection Designer…………………..…….……………….....Braxton Stone

Props Manager………………….…………………….….……….......Elle Dixon

Costume Designer………………...…..……………..……….......AJ Carbone

Assistant Costume Designer……..………..………..……....Aurora Shao


This play treats women and  womanhood to a kind of critical examination, as a category to be explored rather than an inevitable identity.  In an early moment in this play, Fefu shocks a pair of other characters (and maybe the audience) by claiming to find women revolting—and then describes her revulsion in terms of fascination, akin to the kind of rapt attention and curiosity a child might pay to the hidden, crawling life in the soil underneath a rock. One way to consider this play’s engagement with what it means to be a woman—in the 1930s, when the play is set; in the 1970s, when it was written; or in the 21st century--might be like that: to think of the idea of womanhood as a rock we can turn over, in order to look at the realities glimpsed crawling under the smooth exterior that category initially seems to present. 

Fefu and Her Friends is, to me, a play about kinship in the face of different kinds of pain. The characters bear burdens of different weights, but none of them really escapes the dilemma of how to keep moving through a hostile world--even when tired, exhausted, or in pain; even when suffering. They get angry, they tell jokes, they hallucinate, they have water fights, they shoot things. and throughout all of it, that simultaneity--of kinship and pain--signals the deep, loving concern that playwright Maria Irene Fornes holds for her characters, and how they survive and keep surviving.

~ Lindsay Brandon Hunter



     Lindsay Brandon Hunter is Associate Professor in the Department of Theatre and Dance, and a performer, director, and creator of new works. Her past artistic homes include Seattle's Annex Theatre, iO West (Los Angeles), and the New York Neo-Futurists, where she was a founding ensemble member. For UBTHD, she has directed Branden Jacobs-Jenkins's Everybody, Ruby Rae Speigel's Dry Land, and the Neo-Futurists' 45 Plays for 45 Presidents, and she is currently creating a performance piece about Brecht and self-driving cars with collaborators Mark Shepard (UB Architecture) and Miriam Felton-Dansky (Bard College).  She is a proud member of Actors Equity and a professionally practicing intimacy choreographer and director (D'Youville Kavinoky Theatre, Irish Classical Theatre Company, Chautauqua Theatre Company).



Amaya Sonubi (Fefu) (she/her) is ecstatic to make her Black Box Theatre debut in UB’s production of Fefu and Her Friends! Amaya is currently a junior in the University’s Honors College, working towards her Music Theatre BFA & Criminology BA. She has participated in many UB Department of Theatre & Dance productions, notably: Fabulation, or the Re-Education of Undine (Undine), 9 to 5! (Kathy) and The Intruder (Geneviève). Amaya would like to thank all of the women in her life who have influenced her journey, and the amazing cast/crew who have worked on this production. She hopes everyone enjoys the show and has a wonderful Women’s History Month! Instagram: @amaya.sonubi


Melina White (Cindy) (she/her) is currently a sophomore Political Science major with a minor in Theatre. She has been involved in plays and musicals since she was six years old. Here at UB, she has been in Three Sisters (Irina), No Exit (Vincent Cradeau), and Mr. Burns: A Post-Electric Play (u/s Colleen/Quincy/Edna). Melina would like to thank her fellow cast and crew of Fefu and Her Friends for being such a wonderful group of people to work with! She is super excited to perform in this play, and hopes that you enjoy the show! Insta: @melinaewhite


Sarah Bray (Christina) is a sophomore Theater Performance BFA major, who is also exploring costume and set design. She recently played Estelle in the Student Directed Series production of No Exit, and was the Assistant Costume Designer for Ride the Cyclone. While at UB, she played Suffolk/Queen Margaret in King Henry VI part 2, and works in the costume shop as an assistant. She’s had a wonderful time working with the cast and crew of Fefu and Her Friends, and is excited to show off the hard work they all have done. She’d like to thank her family and friends, who have supported her throughout this process, with special thanks to her momma for listening to many, many rants. 


Caroline Jameson (Julia) is delighted to be performing in this UBTHD production. She is a junior in the Honors College, pursuing a BFA in Music Theatre with a minor in Psychology. Previously at UB, she has performed in Three Sisters, 9 to 5, The 39 StepsRenascence, and Cinderella. She would like to thank the cast and crew, her friends and family, her parents, and her brother Daniel for their endless support. Enjoy the show!


Angel Frias Fuertes (Emma) (she/her) is a junior Music Theater major with a minor in Chinese. She recently played Karnak in UB's production of Ride The Cyclone. She was in Renasence and Cinderella here at UB. She is also currently designing Hair and Makeup for the upcoming production of The Pajama Game. She wants to remind you to drink water today, and hopes you enjoy the show!


Katie Timmons (Paula) (she/her) is currently a sophomore BFA Music Theatre major with a minor in Dance. Her recent credits include UBTHD’s Ride the Cyclone (Ocean), 9 to 5 (Maria, U/S Roz), and 54 Below’s Walk Down Memory Lane Cabaret. She is so excited to be a part of this production and would like to thank the entire cast and crew of Fefu!!


Sophia Brito (Sue) is a sophomore BFA Theater Performance major with a minor in Communications. She is very excited to be performing alongside the very talented people in Fefu and Her Friends! She has recently performed in Almost, Maine (Glory, Deena) and King Henry VI Pt. 2 (King Henry, Warwick). She was also seen in the short film, Mother's Essence (Autumn). She would like to thank her parents for always driving her to rehearsals and auditions growing up. She would also like to thank her amazing support group at UB for always being so great. 


Cal Boozel (Cecilia) is a Junior majoring in English and minoring in Theatre from Chautauqua County. She is excited to be on the University at Buffalo stage for the first time. Her previous roles include Ophelia in Hamlet at Jamestown Community College, as well as Tom Buchanan in The Great Gatsby. Cal has loved theatre ever since she was little, but has only had the opportunity to participate in it over the past couple of years. Now that she’s started, she has no plans of stopping! When not acting, you can find her reading, writing, baking, doing all kinds of arts and crafts, tending to her animals, or singing in the car. She would like to thank all of the wonderful people who worked on Fefu and Her Friends for making it a very lovely experience. She would also like to thank her lifelong, and biggest, supporter: her sister Emily. 


Sophia Vessecchia (Understudy) (she/her) is a senior Music Theatre student. Some of her credits include Charlotte in R&H’s Cinderella (KCACTF Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship nominee), Bertolt Brecht in Outrage (KCACTF Irene Ryan Acting Scholarship nominee), Violet Newstead in 9 to 5 (KCACTF Music Theatre Intensive nominee & KCACTF Acting Scholarship Audition, Formerly Irene Ryans nominee) and Constance Blackwood in Ride The Cyclone. She would like to thank her family for their constant love & support. For her upcoming project, she will be Assistant Director to James Beaudry for UB’s musical production of The Pajama Game! She hopes you enjoy Fefu & Her Friends



Sophia Larish (Stage Manager) is a sophomore Theater BA and Dance Minor student here at UB! Her previous collegiate credits include Outrage as an Assistant Stage Manager and Mr. Burns: A post-electric play as the Stage Manager! Last semester, she stepped out of the booth to play Olga in Three Sisters. Sophia would like to thank her mentors and friends for supporting her throughout her college career!


Faith Marsala (Assistant Stage Manager) started off her technical theatre career working under the Natural Muscle Association as a Scorekeeper, Audio Editor, and now Show Manager. She then went on to perform in five high school shows, as well as co-direct an original production written by a peer of hers. During her time here at the University at Buffalo, she has been the Assistant Stage Manager for Renascence, Mr. Burns: a Post-Electric Play, and the Stage Manager for Fabulation, Or the Re-Education of Undine. Faith hopes to pursue a career in stage management and will be continuing this path in the next semester. 


Luigi LoCascio (Technical Director) is a 5th year student double majoring in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering with a minor in Theater. He is the Technical Director for Fefu and Her Friends and therefore took the set designer's drawings, made technical drawings and a budget to build the set, and did the carpentry to create the set. Luigi plans on going to graduate school for technical direction with aspirations of becoming a designer for automation in theater. When he is not in the scene shop or completing his engineering homework, he is also a UB cheerleader.


Lisa Gallagher (Set & Lighting Designer/Programmer) is a junior Theatre Design/Technology major. Her previous credits at UB include Sound & Projection Designing for Ride the Cyclone, Sound Designing for Mr. Burns, and Programming for Fabulation. Lisa is a KCACTF national finalist for her Ride the Cyclone Sound Design, which she is excited to present at the Kennedy Center in April. She has had a great experience on her debut Set and Lighting Designing for Fefu and Her Friends. Enjoy the show!


Mallory Tirone (Co-Sound Designer) (she/her) is currently a Junior BFA Theatre Design and Technology student. Born and raised in Buffalo, NY, Mallory has been heavily involved in theatre and dance from a very young age. With previous experience as the Lighting Designer for UB's Zodiaque Dance Company, Emerging Choreographers Showcase, and Dancers Workshop, she is thrilled for her first production as Fefu and Her Friends' Sound Designer. Mallory would like to thank her friends and family for all their continuous love and support!


Michael Chung (Co-Sound Designer) is a Music BA student at the University at Buffalo, specializing in music composition. As a performer and music producer, he loves experimenting with different sounds and styles. Michael is excited to be the Assistant Sound Designer for Fefu and Her Friends and to help bring the show’s world to life through sound. He’s grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with such a talented team and hopes you enjoy the show!


Elise (Elle) Dixon (Props Manager) (she/her), born and raised in Niagara Falls, NY is a sophomore at the University at Buffalo studying Theatre Design and Technology and Arts Management. Her works at UB include serving as a Scenic Artist on Mr. Burns and Assistant Costume Designer on 9 to 5 The Musical. This past fall she was the Props Manager for Ride The Cyclone, as well as the Scenic Charge Artist for Zodiaque’s 50th Celebration, Ride The Cyclone and Fabulation. Currently she is the Props Manager for Fefu and Her Friends and a Scenic Artist on The Pajama Game. After graduation she hopes to work on touring shows, specifically concerts! Elle would like to thank her family for encouraging her to pursue the arts and hopes you enjoy the show!


AJ Carbone (Costume Designer) is a Theatre BA designing for the first time at the University at Buffalo for Fefu and Her Friends. She is delighted to be a part of the design team and thanks her mother Christine Carbone for her love and support. AJ enjoys learning Linux, collecting zines, playing the drums, and supporting the local Buffalo, NY music scene. She aims to pursue UB's Arts Management MA after graduation.


Alexandria Connolly (RASM/Head of Wardrobe, Department Properties Director) (she/her) is currently a Sophomore Theatre: Design and Technology major. She has been involved in plays, musicals, and dance since she was five years old. In UB’s current season, Alexandria has been the Department Properties Director for the entire season, as well as Assistant Stage Manager for Ride the Cyclone, and Assistant Stage Manager for The Pajama Game in April! She would like to thank the company of Fefu and Her Friends for the amazing experience that this show has been, and to thank her family for supporting her. She hopes that you enjoy the show!


Rehearsal Assistant Stage Managers.……...….Alexandria Connolly, Mya Haygood-El, and Ronaldo Can Poncio

Dramaturg………………………………………………………......…………...Teya Juarez

Head Electrician……..………………….…………….……....……Kaileigh O’Sullivan

Head Carpenter………………………………………….....………………….Maili Novak

Dresser Supervisor…………………….……………....…………Alexandria Connolly

Dresser…………………………………….…………….......……………..…Lauren Guarna

Light Board Operator…………………………….……..….….…..Sara Goldschmidt

Sound Board / Projections Operator………………...………….Mallory Tirone

Crew……………..……………..…………....……...…Ronaldo Can Poncio, Jo Yanko


Production Stage Manager……………………….…..……Elisabetta Antonacci

Graphics……………………………….…....Elisabetta Antonacci, Lisa Gallagher

Projections Technologist………………….………….....………………..Ethan Borrok

Props Director…………………..…..….….……….....…………..Alexandria Connolly

Electricians………...……….…..Molly Crandall, Braxton Stone, Max Teicher

Sound Supervisor……………………….………....………….……………Lisa Gallagher

Costume Shop Assistant…………………..……..Sarah Bray, Jenesis Marquez

Info-Tech……………………………………………………….......……..Dylan McGannon

Scene Shop Assistant……………………………………......……………Chris Ochman


Assistant Technical Directors………..…..……........…….Tom Burke, Erich Frank

Costume Shop Manager…………………………….…….……......…..……..Max Levitt

Costume Technician…………………………….…….…………............………Judy Curtis

Asst. Costume Shop Manager……………………………….......…..…Cindy Darling

Crew Instructor….……………….…………………..…………...........……………Rick Haug

Intimacy Director..…………………………………………........…..……Lana Sugarman

Lighting & Projections Mentor………………………........….…..Lynne Koscielniak

Sound & Technical Direction Mentor……….….…......………..………Jon Shimon

SM Mentor / Production Stage Manager……….…….Melinda J. Lamoreux

Set, Paint, Props, Sound Aesthetics Mentor.....….……..Marc Quattlebaum

Costume Mentor………………………………….….………..........………Cathy Norgren

Fight & Weapons Consultant…………….………….......…….……....Adriano Gatto

Production Photographer………………………….……........………………..Ken Smith


Department Chair………………………….......………………………....Eero Laine

Producing Director…….…………………….......……….…….Lynne Koscielniak

Production Management Team……….…..Rick Haug, Ally Hasselback

Department Administrator………………….....………………Veronica Sedota

Senior Staff Assistant…………………………......……………..……Rob Falgiano

Administrative Assistant……………………………….........…….….Kristin Mann


The UB Department of Theatre and Dance is a proud member of the UB College of Arts and Sciences. With a firm commitment to the advancement of creative research, experiential learning, and community engagement, the UBTHD 2024-2025 Production Season is administered by the Department of Theatre and Dance. We acknowledge our full faculty and staff for their part in preparing students for work on stage and behind the scenes. We thank UB Center for the Arts for their support in making these productions possible.

This production is registered as an Associate Production in the Region 2 Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Program.

UBTHD is proud to be a participating institution in The Fornés Institute program, which celebrates the life and work of 9-time Obie Award winning playwright, María Irene Fornés (1930-2018).

Fornes Institute logo.

This production is registered as an Associate Production in the Region 2 Kennedy Center American College Theater Festival Program.

Kennedy Center logo.

2024-2025 Season Sponsors

UB Theatre and Dance Season Sponsors

UB Theatre and Dance wishes to acknowledge the generous continued philanthropic support of Fox Run at Orchard Park, an official contributing sponsor of the UB Theatre and Dance 2024-2025 season. 

Today’s performance is part of the Department of Theatre and Dance’s season of plays, dance concerts, and musicals. Our season of programming is also made possible by the generosity of patrons in the form of both ticket purchases and donations. If you would like to further Support Theatre and Dance, please visit our website.

Fox Run logo.