Through generous donor support, the Department of Art is able to continually offer programs, services, equipment, and scholarships to students beyond what standard funding sources provide for. The Department strives to continually develop and implement new resources for the academic and professional success of its students.
Please consider making a one time or recurring donation to one of the mission-specific Department of Art funds below.
Our Instructional Support Technician for Graphic Design/Art & Technology, Dom Licata, works with potential employers to determine if opportunities may be valuable to our students' arts education, and assists in promoting and matching positions to students. If you have an opportunity for mentoring, work, or development, that you think is a good match for an art student, please see the "For Employers" section of our Internships page.
While many of our students are multi-disciplinary, theses areas of study may be a helpful reference while you guage whether your opportunity is a good match for our students.