Areas of Study

The Department of Art offers a great variety topics from which to study, mix & match and grow your artistic self. From art history to cutting-edge technologies to traditional practices, your journey will expand as you learn from our internationally recognized and award winning faculty and work in our state-of-the-art facilities.

Paul Vanouse examining Darya's work.
  • Art History
    In today’s broad and immersive visual world, the Art History program is committed to studying the visual arts as tools for exploring and decoding culture.
  • Biological Art
    Coalesce: Center for Biological Arts is a hybrid studio laboratory facility dedicated to enabling hands-on creative engagement with tools and technologies from the life sciences. Coalesce offers multiple short term BioArt Residencies to visiting artists each year.
  • Drawing
    Explore line, shape and form in a variety of mediums on a diversity of scale. Work in large rooms with skylights and spotlights at dimensions that are only limited by your imagination. Here, we explore everything from still-life and life drawing to anatomical and architectural drawing. Our award-winning instructors are here to help you refine and expand your skills.
  • Emerging Practices, Art and Technology
    Explore and shape the future of art. Emerging Practices, Art and Technology
    is a multidisciplinary studio practice that builds on knowledge of emerging technologies such as interactive multi-media, electronic installation, networked telematic communication, robotic art, three-dimensional simulation, biotechnology, and algorithmic image synthesis.
  • Graphic Design
    Today’s digitally networked culture and industry demand increasing levels of visual literacy. Communication in the 21st century is an ecology of information, knowledge production, and visual rhetoric that shapes the way people understand our world.
  • Painting
    Painting is continually evolving, producing an enormous variety of responses to philosophies and technological developments. These changes have always been part of the discipline, whether it meant moving from the frescoed surface to wood panels or from hand-mixed paints to digital techniques.
  • Performance
    The currency of performance-based art lies in its capacity to be utilized in the most extreme, urgent, and quotidian of situations, incorporating live and mediated means.
  • Photography
    Photography is concerned with producing creative artists and professional photographers who are fluent in a wide variety of photographic productions, techniques, and critical concerns.
  • Print Media
    Print Media students work in an atmosphere of intellectual exploration and investigation, with comprehensive print facilities for developing and refining their personal vision.
  • Sculpture and Installation
    The sculpture and installation program encourages students to investigate a multitude of methods, materials, and conceptual approaches. Students in this area employ a range of fabrication techniques and technologies to engage with the material, technical, aesthetic, and theoretical dimensions of contemporary sculpture practice.

Contact Us

Undergraduate Director

  • Reinhard Reitzenstein
    Associate Professor, Director Undergraduate Program, Sculpture Program Head. He works in several parallel areas: indoor installation and sculpture using cast, spun and welded metals, wood, glass, photography, digitally processed images; large scale drawings; outdoor tree-based installations and sound art.

Graduate Director

  • Maximilian Goldfarb
    Clinical Assistant Professor, Sculpture. Goldfarb is a maker of unsettled objects and soundscapes presented through methods of installation and transmission: Forms of production include books, object installations, site-based artworks, experimental architectures, and mobile radio programming.