
  • Asian Studies Study Abroad Award Application Period is Open!
    The 2018-2019 study abroad award supports study abroad for Summer 2019, Fall 2019, or AY 2019-2020. The application period opens February 1 with a deadline of March 29, 2019.
  • New Asian Studies course: Bollywood and Beyond
    We have expanded our offerings again! Look for this exciting new course in coming semesters…
  • Asian Studies welcomes new faculty member: Amanda Kennell
    The Asian Studies Program is thrilled to announce the arrival of Dr. Amanda Kennell, who will take a position as Clinical Assistant Professor of Japanese Cultural Studies beginning in the fall 2018 semester. Dr. Kennell is currently a Robert and Lisa Sainsbury Fellow at the Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures, where she is affiliated with the University of East Anglia in the United Kingdom. She completed in 2017 her PhD in East Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Southern California and is preparing a book manuscript that has emerged from her doctoral dissertation, entitled “Alice in Evasion: Adapting Lewis Carroll in Japan.” Having herself come to the academic study of Japanese culture as a fan of Anime, she has demonstrated her passion for contemporary East Asian popular culture through extensive research and training. She has an outstanding record of winning funding from a variety of sources and is interested in applying digital humanities methods in the classroom. With a secondary focus on Korean language and popular culture, Dr. Kennell will work with the Asian Studies Program to develop courses that expand the breadth of our curriculum. Dr. Kennell also has prior experience working for two Asia-related non-profits: the Asia Society Washington Center and Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA.
  • Nila T. Gnamm Junior Faculty Research Fund Call for Proposals
    The Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Study Center at UB, in conjunction with the Department of Geography and Asian Studies Program at the College of Arts & Sciences, invites proposals for funding from scholars and students affiliated with any department or academic program at UB to support research related to the Southeast Asia region.
  • UB Asian Studies Research Award applications due Nov. 9!
    The Asian Studies Program invites UB faculty and graduate students to apply for funding to support scholarly activity in, or related to Asia. Requests for funding to support overseas research will be given priority. Requests to support attendance at an annual conference will be considered only for those whose papers have been accepted for a conference. All expenses must be incurred before June 30 of any given year. The maximum award is $1000. The deadline is November 9, 2018. Learn more on our Funding page.
  • American Institute of Indian Studies winter short-term postdoctoral grants application period open!
    The American Institute of Indian Studies has just announced its winter short-term postdoctoral grants. These are open only to faculty (including non-US citizens) teaching at AIIS member institutions. UB is member institution.
  • AS Research Award Recipients Announced
    The Asian Studies Program is pleased to announce the 2017-2018 Asian Studies Research Award recipients! We thank all of the applicants for their excellent proposals and their interest in the Asian Studies Program. We were able to fund five applicants, including PhD students and faculty from three UB Schools and five UB departments.