Meet Our Students and Alumni

Classics students in Sperlonga.

Classics students and faculty visit Sperlonga, Italy

Meet Jackson, the Department of Classics undergraduate Ambassador for the College of Arts and Sciences. College Ambassadors are student volunteers who have been nominated by faculty and staff after demonstrating a commitment to academic excellence and community engagement. 

Jackson Slahta

What's your best advice for new students?

"The best piece of advice I can give to a new student is, even though it can be difficult especially when you’re a freshman, to try to speak to people in your classes, and to your professors. This will help you forge some good relationships in your major early on in your college career, and it’s also just a great way to meet people with similar interests to you. I also encourage new students to take a few classes outside of your major and explore your peripheral interests, you never know what new passions you may discover."



Alumni Testimonials

A heartfelt thank you to these amazing alums for sharing their stories with us!

  • Justin Prinzbach.
    Justin Prinzbach, BA '09

    I began my classical studies at the University at Buffalo in 2005, pursuing a budding interest—the Romans. Needless to say, this interest flourished, spurred on by the outstanding professors and the fascinating classes they offered. I even began to enjoy reading Cicero—a hero to some in this department, and a windbag to others. Taking advantage of the many opportunities presented to classics students, I traveled abroad twice. Nothing beats climbing to the top of Trajan’s Column or buying a one Euro pizza in Naples.

    Six years after my first class (Warfare in the Ancient Mediterranean World), I was reluctantly parting ways with what quickly became my home away from home. I had earned a BA in Classics, complemented by a MEd in Latin Education. I am currently with D.C. Public Schools at the School Without Walls at Francis-Stevens, where I teach Latin to elementary students. As I face the many challenges that teaching brings, I cannot help but be thankful for the unbelievable experience and preparation I received at the University at Buffalo.