Graduate Overview

Classics students.

The Department of Classics offers an MA in Classics with a focus in ancient history or Latin, and a PhD in Classics with a focus in classical literature, ancient history or Mediterranean archaeology.  Students can also obtain an MA in Critical Museum Studies; a pre-professional interdisciplinary MA program under the aegis of Anthropology.

The Learning Environment

Our prestigious faculty is well-known for research and scholarship in a variety of fields, notably Roman archaeology, ancient religion, Greek and Latin epic poetry, linguistics, epigraphy and Greek urbanism. Graduate students engage in training that combines specialization with a foundation of considerable breadth. In the first year of study, students strengthen their command of the classical languages, and have the opportunity to survey methods, content and issues of the field as a whole. In the second year, students choose a particular area of interest and begin an independent investigation.

Advanced Language Study

Students concentrating in classical languages and literature develop a broad background in ancient Mediterranean cultures with courses in ancient history and archaeology. Students concentrating in Greek and Roman history study two classical languages and also take courses in archaeology. Students concentrating in archaeology study two classical languages to the MA level and one to the PhD level.

Cutting-Edge Facilities

The department maintains a reference library, slide library, computer lab, facilities for archaeological data analysis and a well-equipped lab designed for materials analysis. Additionally, the department is home to the world-renowned UB Artifacts Collection, the leading journal Arethusa, and the new series, Arethusa Books, which represent our enduring commitment to original scholarship.

Meet Our Faculty

  • Roger Woodard
    Research Interests: Greek literature; Roman, Greek, and Indo-European religion and myth; anthropology of Greece and Rome; Greek alphabet and other writing systems; Indo-European linguistics; the interaction between the Near East and Greece
  • John Dugan
    Research Interests: Latin literature of the late Republic and Augustan period; ancient rhetoric and oratory; ancient and modern literary criticism and aesthetics
  • David A. Teegarden
    Research Interests: Ancient Greek democracy; classical and Hellenistic Greek history
  • Timothy Boyd
    Research Interests: Classical epic, mythology, and traditional oral narrative; classical language instruction; medieval and modern Irish literature; history of archaeology on the Western Coast of Turkey
  • Alessandro Sebastiani
    Research Interests: Roman archaeology of the Mediterranean; Roman economy; Roman religion; Roman to early medieval countryside; Roman to early medieval cities; landscape archaeology; medieval archaeology; medieval pottery; GIS and IT sciences applied to archaeology
  • Neil Coffee
    Research Interests: Latin literature; epic; gift theory; digital classics; conversational Latin
  • Jackie Murray
    Research Interests: Ancient Greek Language and Literature, especially of the Hellenistic Poetry, its reception of Archaic and Classical poetry and its influence on Latin poetry and Greek literature of the Imperial period. Race studies and the Classics, Black Classicisms, and the reception of Greek and Roman Classics in African American and Afro-Caribbean literature.
  • Bradley A. Ault
    Research Interests: Greek, Cypriot, and Roman art and archaeology; houses and households; cities and urbanism, agriculture and the ancient countryside
Student Testimonials

"I joined UB for the dynamic faculty and the opportunity to do something different. Very few other places offered graduate courses on gender and on theory. Their guidance not only gave me credentials, but also shaped me as a professional." 
– Allison Glazebrook, PhD '01


Please contact us if you have questions about the department, the application procedure or research opportunities for graduate students.