Roman archaeology of the Mediterranean; Roman economy; Roman religion; Roman to early medieval countryside; Roman to early medieval cities; landscape archaeology; medieval archaeology; medieval pottery; GIS and IT sciences applied to archaeology
Sebastiani A. 2022. Adriano. L’Imperatore Buono, Mondadori Editore, Milan. ISSN: 8143-184-45
Sebastiani A. and Megale C. (eds), 2021. Archaeological Landscapes of Roman Etruria. Research and Field Papers. Brepols, Turnhout. ISBN: 978-2-503-59139-1
Sebastiani A., Chirico E., Colombini M. and Cygielman M. (eds) 2015. Diana Umbronensis a Scoglietto. Santuario, Territorio e Cultura Materiale (200 a.C. –550 d.C.). Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeopress Roman Archaeology series, 3; ISBN: 978-1-78491-052-5
Special Issues in peer-reviewed journals
Sebastiani A. (ed) 2020, Cultural Heritage and Archaeology in a Digitalized World: Methods and Practices, Heritage Journal, January 2021
Sebastiani A., Chavarria A. (ed) 2016, Recycling and Reuse in the Middle Ages, European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, Volume 6
Papers in peer-reviewed journals
Fabbri A., Sebastiani A., and Maggiani A., 2022. Ager Saenenis vel Rusellanus. Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico-GR). Studi Etruschi LXXXIV: 242-247.
Aniceti A., U. Albarella and Sebastiani A., 2021. The Faunal Assemblage from the manufacturing district at Spolverino: from the Roman Imperial Period to Late Antiquity. Archaeofauna, 30: 163-187.
Sebastiani A. 2021. Digital Artifacts and Landscapes: Experimenting with Placemaking at the Impero Project, Heritage Journal, Special Issue: Cultural Heritage and Archaeology in a Digitalized World: Methods and Practices, Heritage 4, 1: 281-308.
Sebastiani A., Vanni E., M. Brando, E. Woldeyohannes and M. McCabe III. 2020. The third archaeological season at Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico – Grosseto), in Journal of Fasti Online,
Sebastiani A., Hobart M. 2020, Scavi nella Tenuta di Monteverdi (Civitella Paganico – GR). I siti di Podere Cannicci e Castellaraccio. Notizie dei Cavi e degli Scavi, Bollettino di Archeologia, X, 3-4: 17-29.
Sebastiani A., Vanni E., G. Morelli, Woldeyohannes E. and M. Hobart, (2019). The second archaeological season at Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico – Grosseto), in Journal of Fasti Online,
Sebastiani A., Fabbri F., Trotta V. and E. Vanni 2018. The first archaeological season at Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico – Grosseto), in Journal of Fasti Online,
Sebastiani A. and Derrick T. 2016. Note on the glass workshops and glass assemblage from Spolverino (Alberese - GR). Journal of Glass Studies 58: 279-286.
Sebastiani A. 2016. New data for a preliminary understanding of the Roman settlement network in south coastal Tuscany. The Case of Alberese (Grosseto, IT). Res Antiquae, 13: 243-272.
Sebastiani A. 2016. Glass and metal production at Alberese. The workshops and the manufacturing district of Spolverino. European Journal of Post-Classical Archaeologies, 6: 53-70.
Chapters in peer-reviewed edited books
Sebastiani A. 2021. Due Ambienti Particolari nel Quartiere Industriale Romano di Spolverino (Alberese – IT). In C. Höpken B. Birkenhagen and M. Brüggler, (eds), Roman glass furnaces - contexts, finds and reconstructions in synthesis, Landesdenkmalamt Saarlamd, Saarbrücken: 97-110.
Sebastiani A. 2021. The Riverine Landscape of the Ombrone Valley in the Roman Period: Preliminary Data from Southern Tuscany. In Berns C. and Huy S. (eds), The Impact of Rivers on Ancient Economies. Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Classical Archaeology (Cologne/Bonn – May 22-26, 2018), Propylaeum, Heidelberg: 85-101.
Sebastiani A. 2021. The late Etruscan and Republican Settlement at Podere Cannicci (Civitella Paganico – GR). In Sebastiani A. and Megale C. (eds). Archaeological Landscapes of Roman Etruria. Research and Field Papers. Brepols, Turnhout: 219-235.
Megale C. and Sebastiani A. 2021. Introduction. In Sebastiani A. and Megale C. (eds). Archaeological Landscapes of Roman Etruria. Research and Field Papers. Brepols, Turnhout: 19-26.
Sebastiani A. and T. Derrick. 2020. A regional economy of recycling over four centuries at Spolverino (Tuscany) and environs. In C. Duckworth and A. Wilson (eds), Recycling and Reuse in the Roman Economy, Oxford University Press, Oxford: 359-382.
Sebastiani A. 2019. Presentazione. In F. Fabbri, Votivi anatomici fittili. Uno straordinario fenomeno di religiosità popolare dell’Italia antica, Ante Quem, Bologna: 9-10.
Sebastiani A. 2017. From Villa to Village. Late Roman to Early Medieval Settlement networks in the ager Rusellanus. In J. Moreland, J. Mitchell and B. Leal (eds), Encounters, Excavations, and Argosies. Essays for Richard Hodges Oxford, Archaeopress: 281-290.
Brando M. and Sebastiani A. 2016. Enlightening Diana Umbronensis. The Late Antique lamp assemblage from the Sanctuary at Scoglietto (Alberese – IT) In Proceedings of Roman and Late Antique Lamps: Production and Distribution, contacts of the Mediterranean (2nd February 2015), Zagreb: 107-127.
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