
The following research groups investigate different areas of cognitive sciences, and are either wholly affiliated with, or closely related to, the Center for Cognitive Science.

Current Research


Adult Language Network (ALN) Lab

  • Research on word retrieval in typically aging adults and adults with language impairments (e.g., aphasia, dementia) by using computational modelling, network science, and behavioral experiments.

Auditory Perception and Action Lab

  • Research on how the brain conceptualizes complicated event sequences typical of music and speech and the conditions under which this ability breaks down.

Christopher Heffner

  • Research on speech perception: how we understand the sounds other people make when they talk. Specific interest in categorization (how we tell which sounds are the same and which are different) and adaptation (coping with listening situations that we're not used to, like fast speech or accented speech), with a focus on learning and change in those processes.

Comparative Bioacoustics Lab

  • Research on acoustic communication in animals using a comparative approach, measuring hearing and vocalizations in a number of different species, including birds and mice.

Computational Cognitive Neuroscience Lab

  • Research using behavioral experiments, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and computational modeling with artificial neural networks to test ideas about how the brain can flexibly translate between different sensorimotor representations.

David Fertig

  • Research on Germanic Linguistics, Historical linguistics, Dialectology, Sociolinguistics, Morphology, and Phonology
  • Linguistics Department Teaching Internship

Division of Cognitive and Behavioral Neurosciences

  • Research using electrophysiology, neuropsychology, and neuroimaging to study cognitive processes such as working memory and attention in both normal individuals and in individuals with illnesses that affect cognitive function, e.g., Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, sleep disorders. Human developmental and animal studies are also conducted.

Language Learning Lab

  • Research on language acquisition in school-age children with and without language impairments such as Developmental Language Disorder.

Neural and Cognitive Plasticity Lab

  • Research on understanding the neural and cognitive mechanisms that enable individuals to learn and improve basic cognitive skills such as recognizing and remembering actions, events, and percepts.

Phonetics Lab

  • Research in the phonetics laboratory focuses on the articulatory and acoustic aspects of speech, with particular attention on articulatory dynamics, prosodic aspects of human language, phonetic fieldwork, and corpus phonetics. Members of the UB Phonetics lab meet weekly to discuss lab research projects, student projects, and the latest developments in the field. Lab membership includes students and faculty from several departments in the Cognitive Sciences.

Semantic Typology Lab

  • The Semantic Typology Lab is dedicated to the study of all aspects of crosslinguistic variation, with a focus on the language-cognition interface. Current collaborative projects explore the use of spatial reference frames and the representation of causality in language and mind. Individual members pursue research ranging in methods from field-based documentation and description to computational modeling and production and comprehension studies.

Former Research Groups