Think Globally, Write Locally

Sustain-a-Bull Journal.

In the spring of 2023, EVS 498 - Think Globally, Write Locally: An Environmental Writing Workshop was a one-credit half-semester course facilitated by Kacey Stewart, a postdoc in the Department of Environment and Sustainability. The workshop gave students the opportunity to hone their writing skills by exploring the local manifestations of global environmental problems. In other words, student writing animated issues such as water pollution and environmental justice through their presence in the students’ own community. While the class simultaneously helped students to improve their writing and learn about Buffalo’s most pressing environmental issues, it was also an experiment in student publishing. Over seven weeks students researched, produced prose, revised, edited, and designed their own publication. The students rose to the challenge – stretching beyond passing grades to produce published pieces that they were proud of.  

Read students essays in Sustain-a-Bull Journal