Interdisciplinary Research Experience for Undergraduates in Atmospheric and Geological Hazards

REU banner image.

May 29 - August 02, 2025

The REU program run through the UB Geologic and Climate Hazards Center offers several opportunities for interdisciplinary research experiences aimed at addressing the complex planetary and societal responses to global climate change.


The REU program run through the UB Geologic and Climate Hazards Center is a 10-week summer program at the University at Buffalo North Campus. The program will be offering research opportunities on the following subjects:

Student participants are paired with primary and secondary supervisors who are domain experts in different fields to work on a research project based on the climate, geologic and atmospheric hazards topics listed above. The primary goal of this project is to equip undergraduate students with the skills needed for interdisciplinary research with a focus on climate and natural hazards. Students will also participate in weekly meetings intended to help them learn science communication and presentation skills, how to identify potential mentors, how to apply to graduate school, and the basics of proposal writing, among other professional development skills.

Program Highlights

  • $7000 Stipend over the 10-week period. 
  • Hands on research/training in geologic and climate hazards topics.  
  • Gain and expand professional development skills alongside peers.
  • Networking opportunities with geologic and climate domain specialists at UB and beyond.
  • Opportunities to present research findings in professional settings (conferences and scholarly articles)
  • Educational activities in the region of Buffalo including visits to: Niagara Falls State Park, Buffalo Museum of Science, Penn Dixie Fossil Park Nature Reserve and Tifft Nature Preserve


Applicants should be:

  • Interested in pursuing a career in scientific research (prior research experience is not required).
  • U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its outlying possessions.
  • Preparing to enter their sophomore, junior or senior year at the time of the program in an undergraduate degree program with a focus in the climate and geohazards.

Minorities underrepresented in STEM, first generation college students and students attending non-research focused institutions are strongly encouraged to apply. 

Application Procedure

1. Complete the online REU application form.

2. Upload your resume. Online application should include:

  • Post-secondary educational institutions attended with dates, 
  • Research and teaching experience or other university or science activities (prior research experience is not a requirement), and 
  • Any other information thought to be relevant to the application.

3. Answer essay questions:

  •  1st question is required, "What unique qualities, characteristics and values will you bring to our REU program"?
  • 2nd question is optional and does not have to part of your application to be considered, "In what ways have climate or geohazards influenced you"?
  • Clearly articulate what you bring to the program and hope to get out of the program. Include how you believe the program will help you reach your short- and long-term goals or career objectives.
  • Each essay should be no more than 2 pages and uploaded.

4. Upload your transcripts. A copy of your transcript (unofficial is  accepted) must be uploaded to the online application.

Please note: January 31, 2025 5:00 pm EST. All application materials, including CV/resumes, personal statements and transcripts for full consideration in the first round of offers for the summer program. Applications received after that deadline may still be considered but will be placed on a wait-list.

Project Timeline

  • Oct 1: Call for Applications, in early Fall, accepted for next summer.
  • Jan 31: Initial application deadline.
  • Mid-Feb to Mid-March: Successful applicants are offered positions and/or waitlisted.
  • Mid-March: Deadline to accept a position from first round offers.
  • May 27-28 : Arrive in Buffalo (housing available).
  • May 29-July 31: Project term for 10-week research experience.
  • Aug 1: Research symposium and end of program.
  • Aug 2: Travel home.

Contact information

Questions about the program should be directed to

  • Robyn Wagner, Administrator
  • Joe Tulenko, Scientific 


Are you available to attend the full duration of the program? (May 29-Aug 02)
Are you available to attend the full duration of the program? (May 29-Aug 02)

Upload Materials

If accepted into the program do you give permission for pictures to possibly used on the website?
If accepted into the program do you give permission for pictures to possibly used on the website?
If accepted into the program do you have physical limitations that could prevent you from doing any of the following, hiking, walking or into the field to conduct research? Your answer in no way affects the review of your application. Your response helps us prepare potential accommodations for research projects that include field work.
If accepted into the program do you have physical limitations that could prevent you from doing any of the following, hiking, walking or into the field to conduct research? Your answer in no way affects the review of your application. Your response helps us prepare potential accommodations for research projects that include field work.