News Archive

  • Scientist tackling crisis of coral bleaching
    12/2/2020: An international consortium of scientists has created the first-ever common framework for increasing comparability of research findings on coral bleaching.
  • Coastal Greenland reshaped as ice sheet mass loss accelerates
    10/29/2020: The changes to the ice sheet could have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems and communities, as the flow of water under the ice sheet, as well as nutrient and sediment flow, are altered, scientists say. UB geology researchers Beata Csatho and Ivan Parmuzin were co-authors of the study, which was led by Twila Moon, deputy lead scientist of the National Snow and Ice Data Center.
  • Internationally acclaimed climate change scholar joins UB
    10/2/2020: Sophie Nowicki, an internationally recognized expert on global climate change, ice sheet modeling and sea level rise, has joined the UB faculty. Nowicki is Empire Innovation Professor in the Department of Geology, College of Arts and Sciences, and in the RENEW Institute, an interdisciplinary institute dedicated to research and education on globally pressing problems in energy, environment and water.
  • Greenland is on track to lose ice faster than in any century over the last 12,000 years, study finds
    09/30/2020: If human societies don’t sharply curb emissions of greenhouse gases, Greenland’s rate of ice loss this century is likely to greatly outpace that of any century over the past 12,000 years, a new study concludes.
  • Three UB Researchers receive NSF CAREER Awards
    09/28/2020: UB’s 2020 recipients are Margarete Jadamec, PhD, in UB’s Department of Geology and the Institute for Computational and Data Sciences; Huamin Li, PhD, in UB’s Department of Electrical Engineering; and Ann-Marie Torregrossa, PhD, in UB’s Department of Psychology.
  • Shrinking Ice Sheets could add 15 inches to sea level rise by 2100, study finds
    09/23/2020: An international effort that brought together more than 60 ice, ocean and atmosphere scientists from three dozen international institutions has generated new estimates of how much of an impact Earth’s melting ice sheets could have on global sea levels by 2100.
  • Greenland Ice Sheet's secrets
    07/20/2020: UB is co-leading GreenDrill, a project that will bring teams to the Greenland Ice Sheet to investigate one of Earth’s largely unexplored frontiers: the bedrock that lies below the ice.
  • UB class helps cut carbon footprints - with eye toward post-pandemic life
    05/13/2020: Students in the Carbon Reduction Challenge course work in small groups to create proposals for local businesses and government agencies to reduce their carbon footprints. When the pandemic reached Western New York mid-semester, the class turned much of its focus to helping partners retain unexpected carbon savings created as a result of social distancing.
  • Study: Mapping 16 years of ice sheet loss
    04/30/2020: UB Climate scientist Beata Csatho is co-author of a new study that makes precise, detailed measurements of how the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets have changed over 16 years.
  • Even a hurricane, or two, can't stop regrowth in parts of the coral forest
    03/16/2020: Soft corals at three sites in the U.S. Virgin Islands were able to recover from the destructive effects of nearly back-to-back Category 5 storms in 2017, but the story of these apparently hardy communities of colorful marine life is part of a larger, rapidly shifting narrative surrounding the future of coral reefs, according to a new study led by a UB marine ecologist