James Battista, Associate Professor
“What If We Had An Election And Nobody Cared: Voter Demand, Candidate Supply, And Legislator Characteristics. Presented at the 2018 meeting of the State Politics and Policy section of the APSA. With Kevin Stout (UB PhD student)
Michelle Benson-Saxton, Associate Professor
UN Security Council Resolutions and Sexual Violence in Civil Wars.” (with Ismene Gizeles) forthcoming at the Journal of Conflict Resolution. Article
“Cut Short? United Nations Peacekeeping and Civil War Duration to Negotiated Settlements” (with Jacob Kathman), forthcoming. Journal of Conflict Resolution. Article.
“Advancing the Frontier of Peacekeeping Research.” (with Ismene Gizelis), forthcoming. Journal of Conflict Resolution. Article.
“Do Mandates Matter? DDR Mandates, Force Mandates and Civil War Deaths.” 2018. Paper presented at the Folke Bernadotte Academy Research Workshop on “Recidivism, Recycling or Reintegration? Revisiting DDR,” 3-4 November 2018, Stockholm, Sweden. Invited presentation.
International Studies Association, March 2019: UN biased: UN Security Council Resolutions in Civil Conflicts (with Colin Tucker) Paper.
Grant: Folke Bernadotte Academy, United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Civil Conflict Resolution Data Set, 1946-2017, 26,948 (219,788 Swedish SEK)
James E. Campbell, Professor
“The Trust is Gone: What Ideological Orthodoxy Costs Political Science,” PS: Political Science & Politics, forthcoming.
“Explaining Electoral Change in the 2018 U.S. Midterm Elections: The Three Components of Electoral Mandates,” The Forum: A Journal of Applied Research in Contemporary Politics, v.16, n.4 (December 2018), pp.477-93.
“The Seats-in-Trouble Forecasts of the 2018 Midterm CongressionalElections,”PS: Political Science & Politics, v.51, n.S1 (October 2018), pp.12-16.
“Introduction: The 2018 Midterm Election Forecasts,” PS: Political Science & Politics, v.51, n.S1 (October 2018), pp.1-3.
“This is the closing pitch GOP candidates should be making in the midterm elections,” MarketWatch website (11/2/18). Article.
“The Seats-in-Trouble Forecasts of the 2018 Midterm Congressional Elections,” Sabato’s Crystal Ball website (9/13/18). Link.
“Introduction: The 2018 Midterm Election Forecasts,” Sabato’s Crystal Ball website (9/13/18). Link.
“Our Damaged Democracy: Can We Fix It?” presentation in a panel co-sponsored by the League of Women Voters of Buffalo/Niagara, The Association for a Buffalo Presidential Center, and the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site, October 1, 2018.
“Implications of ‘Truth Decay’ for the Practice of Public Relations,” participated on a panel co-sponsored by The Museum of Public Relations, The Institute for Public Relations, the Wallace Foundation and several others, 55 Broad Street in New York City, May 22, 2018.
Vesna Danilovic, Associate Professor
Several papers in preparation and under review.
Shawn Donahue, Clinical Assistant Professor
Taught 8 courses and completed doctoral dissertation for SUNY Binghamton. Oral defense Sept. 13, 2019.
Munroe Eagles, Professor and Chair
Nick Baxter-Moore, Munroe Eagles, with Ibrahim Berrada, Oleksander Chernomorchenko, Paul Coleman, Kelly Gaskin, Karey Hatch, Craig Hilimoniuk, and Patrick Morris, "Explaining Canada-US Differences in Attitudes Toward the Role of Government: A Test of S.M. Lipset's 'Continental Divide,'" Commonwealth and Comparative Politics, 56, 4 (2018): 477-49.
Munroe Eagles, "At War Over the Peace Bridge: A Case Study in the Vulnerability of Binational Institutions," Journal of Borderlands Studies, published online May 4, 2018
President, International Council for Canadian Studies, June 2019-June 2021 term.
Rachael Hinkle, Associate Professor
Promoted and tenured; Summer 2019
Hinkle, Rachael K. Morgan L. W. Hazelton, and Michael J. Nelson 2019. “Deferring, Deliberating, or Dodging Review: Explaining the Determinants of Counterjudge Success in the US Courts of Appeals." Journal of Law and Courts, forthcoming
Hinkle, Rachael K., Morgan L. W. Hazelton, and James F. Spriggs II. 2019. “The Influence of Unique Information in Briefs on Supreme Court Decisionmaking." Justice System Journal, forthcoming.
Hinkle, Rachael K. and Michael J. Nelson 2018. “The Intergroup Foundations of Policy Influence."71(4) Political Research Quarterly 729-742.
Hinkle, Rachael K. and Michael J. Nelson. 2018. “Crafting the Law: How Opinion Content Influences Legal Development." 39 Justice System Journal 97-122
Jacob Kathman, Associate Professor
Cut Short? United Nations Peacekeeping and Civil War Duration to Negotiated Settlements (w/Michelle Benson). Journal of Conflict Resolution, forthcoming.
Peacekeeping in the Midst of War (with Lisa Hultman and Megan Shannon). Book in press with Oxford University Press, publication expected December 2019.
“United Nations Peacekeeping and Civil War Duration.” To be presented at the Folke BernadotteAcademy in Stockholm, Sweden, June 18, 2018.
Roundtable Participant on “Types of Intervention and Violence Processes.” Workshop on Civil War Intervention and Civilian Victimization. Uppsala University, Sweden, June 2018.
Charles Lamb, Professor Emeritus
Officially retired as of Fall 2019, but still very active professionally.
Charles M. Lamb & Jacob R. Neiheisel, eds., Presidential Leadership and the Trump Presidency: Executive Power & Democratic Government, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Elena McLean, Associate Professor
“Lead Exposure in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Perspectives and Lessons on Patterns, Injustices, Economics, and Politics.” International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. October 2018.
”Country-Level Analysis of Household Fuel Transitions.” World Development. February 2019.
“The Political Economy of Carbon Capture and Storage Technology Adoption.” Global Environmental Politics. May 2019.
“Economic Sanctions and Disaster Preparedness.” British Journal of Political Science. June 2019.
Jacob Neiheisel, Associate Professor
"Are the Politics of the Christian Right Linked to State Rates of the Non-Religious? The Importance of Salient Controversy" Political Research Quarterly, 2018
"Political Mobilization in American Congregations: A Religious Economies Perspective." Politics and Religion, 2019
"Power Plus Persuasion: Presidential Leadership and the Anatomy of Kennedy's Housing Order," Congress & the Presidency, 2019
"Presidential Rhetoric and Bureaucratic Enforcement: Evidence from the Clinton Administration." Political Science Quarterly, forthcoming
“Voter Identification Requirements and Aggregate Turnout in the U.S.: How Campaigns Offset the Costs of Turning Out When Voting is Made More Difficult." Election Law Journal, forthcoming
Charles M. Lamb & Jacob R. Neiheisel, eds., Presidential Leadership and the Trump Presidency: Executive Power & Democratic Government, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Epilogue: Donald Trump's Contribution to Research on Presidential Power." In Lamb & Neiheisel, ed., Palgrave, 2020.
"On Studying the Trump Presidency." In Lamb and Neiheisel, eds., Palgrave, 2020.
"With the New Breed (of Republican Congressional Candidates): The Evolving Use of Political Brand Labels on the Campaign Trail Since 2006." In How Right-Wing Media and Messaging(Re)Made American Politics. Sharon E. Jarvis (ed). New York: Routledge. Forthcoming.
Harvey Palmer, Associate Professor
Metcalf, Sara S., Harvey D. Palmer, Qiuyi Zhang, and Mary E. Northridge. Modeling dissemination of health information and beliefs in urban social networks. 115th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Geographers. Washington, DC: April 3-7, 2019.
Metcalf, Sara S., Harvey D. Palmer, Qiuyi Zhang, and Mary E. Northridge. Modeling dissemination of health information and beliefs in urban social networks. Chapter accepted with minor revisions for inclusion in Z. Neal and C. Rozenblat [eds.], The Handbook of Cities and Networks. Edward Elgar Publishers.
Antoine Yoshinaka, Associate Professor
Yoshinaka, Antoine, and Seth C. McKee. Forthcoming. “Short-Term Pain for Long-Term Gain: The Logic of Legislative Party Switching in the Contemporary American South.” State Politics and Policy (expected publication date 2019)
Sevi, Semra, Antoine Yoshinaka, and André Blais. 2018. “Legislative Party Switching and the Changing Nature of the Canadian Party System, 1867-2015.” Canadian Journal of Political Science 51 (3): 665-95.
Frank Zagare, Professor
“Explaining the Long-Peace: Why Both von Neumann (and Schelling) Got it Wrong,” International Studies Review, (2018), 20, pp. 422 – 37.
“The Deterrence Project,” Qualitative Data Repository. https://doi.org/10.5064/F6AJE0NP QDRMain Collection. V1, 2018.
“Game Theory in Diplomatic History,” Medium, February 9, 2019. https://medium.com/science-uncovered/basics-game-theory-diplomatic-history-846de9345cce
“Game Theory and Diplomatic History: Introduction to the Rhineland Crisis,” Medium, March 9,2019. https://medium.com/science-uncovered/introduction-rhineland-crisis-429620d55f05Published
Dr. Shawn Donahue (2nd from right) and members of his dissertation committee at University at Binghamton, SUNY, September 13, 2019, after his successful dissertation defense.