Undergraduate Sociology and Criminology majors are encouraged to complete an internship as part of their coursework and students in the Sociology Department who have elected to minor in Social Justice are required to complete a three-credit internship. Internships are primarily designed for students who wish to acquire practical experience in a human service, political, social research, social justice, criminal justice, or social policy organization—private or governmental, profit or nonprofit. Some students find placements in consulting firms, law firms, or other business organizations.
Because our students work with a variety of people in a variety of settings, the objectives and duties of each student are specific to his or her individual internship site. These objectives are discussed with and developed in conjunction with the agency supervisor.
Obtaining an internship is like obtaining a job: we can provide you with suggested placements but you must arrange an interview and negotiate a contract with the organization. The first step in obtaining an internship is to decide what kind of organization you'd like to work with. The Department of Sociology has a file of possible internship placements which you may consult for this purpose. We recommend that you select two or three possible organizations, making note of the necessary phone numbers and internship supervisors at each. Choose organizations that appear to provide the best fit with your goals and skills. With prior approval, you may negotiate an internship with an agency not listed in our file. Those choosing non-listed placements should consult with the Undergraduate Director to ensure that the internship activities have sufficient educational content and would contribute appropriately to their professional development.
The next step is to call the organization. Ask to speak to the current internship coordinator. If the coordinator is interested, arrange an interview. Before going to the interview, pick up a contract form from the Department of Sociology. During the interview you should evaluate whether you'd like to work with that organization (and whether they would like to work with you). Remember, the internship organization is under no obligation to accept you as an intern. If the internship supervisor accepts you as an intern, you should agree on a description of your duties and hours, making sure that the internship will provide you with meaningful activities. After you and the internship supervisor have filled out and signed the contract, return it to the Department of Sociology. If the activities described in the contract are acceptable to the Department as contributing to your professional development, you will be allowed to sign up for internship credit.
To be eligible, students must:
Contact ugradsoc@buffalo.edu for more information about completing an internship through the sociology department.
This course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis. To receive a passing grade in the course, students must meet the following requirements: