Fefu and Her Friends

By Maria Irene Fornes
Directed by Lindsay Brandon Hunter

Mar. 6 - 8, 2025
7:30 p.m.
Mar. 8 - 9, 2025
2 p.m.
UB Center for the Arts Black Box Theatre

$22 Adults
$17 Seniors/Veterans/UB Employees
$12 Students
$7 UB Students
(Ticketmaster fees apply when purchasing online.)

*Playbill will be available 48 hours before performance.

One of Off-Broadway’s best-loved plays, originally directed by the author. The audience follows the lives of eight women. For this play, María Irene Fornés received one of her nine Obie awards.

“A wonderful, important play.” ⁠—⁠Susan Sontag

“One of the most powerful plays written about the mysteries and shared hallucinations of the female experience.” ⁠—⁠L A Weekly

Fefu and Her Friends is recommended for ages 14+.
Content notes:  the production includes prop firearms and the sound of gunshots, and includes depictions of death, distress due to mental illness (including hallucination), and discussion of acquired physical disability. 

FEFU AND HER FRIENDS is presented by arrangement with Broadway Play Publishing, Inc.