College Ambassador Academic Enrichment Award


College Ambassadors are encouraged to apply for an academic enrichment award (up to $500) once per academic year while serving as ambassadors to be used for future academic enrichment activities. The award money is allocated by the Dean’s Office to assist ambassadors with academic and professional pursuits that will enhance their undergraduate curriculum. Examples include study abroad participation, attending or presenting at scholarly conferences, conducting research and participating in domestic travel opportunities.  


The following guidelines govern allocation of these funds:

  • College Ambassadors may receive up to $500 once per academic year (while serving as an ambassador) for participation in future activities. Awards are given on a first come, first served basis.
  • Students must be active participants in the College Ambassador program, fulfilling all responsibilities and requirements of the program.
  • Applicants must have approached other applicable funding sources (CURCA, Honors College, Study Abroad Scholarships, etc.) prior to the submission of this application.
  • Applications for funding must be pre-approved before the activity takes place. It is your responsibility to plan accordingly by submitting your application at least six weeks prior to the event for review. The payment process can take between 6-8 weeks to complete after you receive confirmation of an award. 


Complete and submit the award application below at least six weeks before your activity. 

After returning, please submit proof of participation and a short written statement to no more than one month following the activity.

Proof of participation examples:

  • Copy of conference booklet
  • Photos
  • Receipts

Short statement (one page) should include:

  • Summary of your experience
  • What you learned
  • How the activity impacted you
  • Any photos or video you would like to share


Have you received College Ambassador award money before?
Have you received College Ambassador award money before?

Description of Participation, Expenditures and Funding Sources

Please create a separate document (use your name as the title) and include the following:

  1. Description of Participation: Please include date(s) and location, and specify what you will be doing and how it will enhance your academic career (limit response to 250 words).
  2. Description of Expenditures: Please list each expenditure and include the estimated dollar amount. Note that eligible expenditures must equal or exceed the amount you are requesting. Examples of eligible items include airfare, registration fees and mileage.
  3. Funding Sources (if any): Please list ALL other sources of funding such as Honors College, CURCA, Scholarships, etc., as well as the associated dollar amount. 