William C. and Annette L. Rock Study Abroad Scholarship

William and Annette Rock and the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences established this scholarship fund to encourage undergraduate CAS majors to pursue a study abroad opportunity. Each scholarship is in the amount of $500. The scholarship is awarded twice a year (see deadlines below) and is administered by the CAS Dean’s Office.


  • Applicants must be currently enrolled, full-time, matriculated University at Buffalo undergraduate students, pursuing a major within the College of Arts and Sciences.
  • Applicants must be in good academic standing.
  • Applicants must have completed an application for an accredited study abroad program, and preferably received acceptance into the program.

Application Procedures

  • Log in to buffalo.academicworks.com using your UBIT name and password.
  • Fill out one general application each term.
  • Complete an application for the College of Arts and Sciences Experiential Learning Fund and you will automatically be considered for this scholarship and other experiential funds administered by the College.

With questions, please contact: ubscholarships@buffalo.edu