Graduate Research Highlights

  • “April 2022: Parami Gunasekera”

    My research focuses on synthesis and characterization of iron and manganese coordination complexes towards catalyst design. Exploring the coordination chemistry of these metal complexes allows us to fine tune their reactivities to develop greener chemical reagents that can perform novel chemical transformations.

  • “March 2022: Caitlin McGranahan”

    My research focuses on characterization of photoinduced interfacial charge-transfer dynamics within dual-quantum dot (QD) heterostructures, both colloidal and surface-immobilized, working towards applications in redox photocatalysis. Currently, I am working on characterizing photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution within Sb2VO5/QD heterostructures as possible next generation photocatalysts for solar fuel production.

  • “February 2022: Elizabeth Hinterberger”

    I am currently working on heterogeneous electrocatalysis to oxidize ethane into acetate. In the future, I would like to try to electrochemically degrade microplastics for environmental remediation applications.

  • “January 2022: Vipulan Vigneswaran”

    My research focuses on the synthesis and coordination chemistry of novel organomanganese and organoruthenium complexes towards catalysis. Our work seeks to probe the structures of intermediates that are typically implicated in catalysis.

  • “December 2021: Abigail Snyder”

    My research consisted of surface analytical chemistry focused on PFASs detection, qualification, and quantification on various polymers, including microplastic pieces collected from the Great Lakes.

  • “November 2021: Thomas Bui”

    I use nonlinear second-order vibrational sum frequency generation spectroscopy along with complimentary techniques in order to elucidate the molecular organization and inter- and intramolecular interactions of neat liquids as well as binary solvent mixtures at hydrophilic and hydrophobic solid/liquid interfaces.

  • October 2021: Apoorva Pradhan

    My research focuses on understanding the process of necroptosis, a type of controlled necrosis in terms of its execution, regulation and cellular fate by using different molecular biology techniques.

  • “June 2021: Herbert D. Ludowieg”

    I have worked on the development of tools that allow us to calculate vibrationally resolved spectra in the near-infrared region for metal complexes with Oh and D­3 point group symmetry.