Undergraduate Courses

Course Descriptions


Undergraduate Registration Information

Chemistry Force Registration Guidelines

Students can submit force registration requests for the following reasons:

1.   Prerequisite or Corequisite Missing. This is only accepted if the following conditions apply:

a.   Transfer work is in progress or has not been received by UB.  Students must supply proof of enrollment and completion of the prerequisite or corequisite courses.

b.   Student received an exception to use a specific course in lieu of a prerequisite or corequisite, or needs to request permission from the course instructor to waive a prerequisite or corequisite.

2.   Course is Closed. Be sure to add a different open section, or enroll to the waitlist, if available.

3.   Repeat. Students are permitted to self-enroll in a class twice.  Any attempts to register for the class beyond the two permitted must be approved by the department. Policies can be viewed here: https://catalog.buffalo.edu/policies/repeat.html

4.   Permission Required. This pertains to classes that require specific permissions, i.e. internships, undergraduate research, etc.

NOTE: Many 100- and 200-level CHE courses are designated as “controlled enrollment courses” (CEC).  Students who wish to repeat a CEC course may have difficulty registering during the Fall or Spring semesters, and should plan on repeating the course during the Summer if possible.  See policies for CEC here: https://catalog.buffalo.edu/policies/repeat.html

Requests are reviewed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Please allow for additional processing time during high volume periods like open registration.

Chemistry Assessment for registration in CHE110 as additional help for CHE101 or 107

  • SAT/ACT Math Score Threshold 
    • 550/23 (450/23 pre-March 2016) or less, CHE 110 is strongly recommended
    • A score between 560/23 (450/23 pre-March 2016) and 610/26 (550/26 pre-March 2016) and 
      • did not complete high school chemistry or earn a grade of “B” or below or lacks confidence in his/her ability in Chemistry, CHE 110 is recommended
      • completed high school chemistry with a grade of "B" or better, CHE 110 is not necessary
    • A score above 620/26 (550/26 pre-March 2016), students may enroll in CHE 101, 105 or 107 depending on their major. 
    • Regardless of SAT/ACT score, nursing majors should enroll in CHE 121
  • For students who took AP Chemistry in high school, CHE 110 is not recommended unless it has been more than three (3) years since taking AP Chemistry
  • If it has been more than three (3) years since taking high school chemistry of any kind, CHE 110 is recommended

Course Syllabi

If you are looking for a current or past course syllabus, please contact Barbara Raff.