About the College

Our College boasts world-class faculty and outstanding students in the arts and humanities; natural sciences and mathematics; and social sciences. Together they are embracing discovery, igniting creativity and thinking critically while learning at every level.

  • Liberal Arts at UB
    When you take the time to study an object closely, from every angle, something extraordinary happens. Your eyes sharpen. Hidden details come into focus. A different perspective begins to take shape. Answers emerge, and with them, new questions.
  • Academic Leadership
    Led by Dean Robin Schulze, the College of Arts and Sciences' leadership team establishes policies, sets priorities and supports our community of students and scholars.
  • Meet the Dean
    Robin G. Schulze, PhD, joined the University at Buffalo in July 2016 as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences and professor in the Department of English. As leader of UB’s largest and most diverse academic unit, she drives UB’s commitment to prepare students to be active, knowledgeable, engaged citizens in a dynamic global community.
  • Meet Our New Faculty
    The College of Arts and Sciences is excited to welcome new faculty to the university. Our new faculty will amplify the College's academic and research strengths.
  • College Stories
    The College of Arts and Sciences is a place filled with students and faculty who are ambitious and determined. They are incredible teachers, learners and doers. No story or path is the same - that's what makes UB so unique.  Explore the places and people that make the College so special.   
  • Cultural Institutions
    From performers and technicians to artists, educators and advocates, passionate people form the heart of our creative community. The College's cultural institutions offer a look into our collaborative, diverse and creative community.
  • Alumni
    The College of Arts and Sciences helps to connect more than 122,000 alumni with their alma mater and their global alumni network through engagement programs and events, volunteer opportunities and ways to give back to UB.
  • Life in Buffalo
    Diverse. Distinctive. Cost-effective. In the City of Good Neighbors—and great neighborhoods—there’s something for everyone!
  • Contact Us
    College of Arts and Sciences
    University at Buffalo
    Office of the Dean
    810 Clemens Hall, North Campus
    Buffalo, NY 14260