Economics of information, with emphasis on non-cooperative matching theory; Model selection involving the sequential acquisition of information; Experimental examination of microeconomic theory
“A Comparison of the Cost Efficiencies of the Sequential, Group-Sequential, and Variable-Sample-Size-Sequential probability Ratio Tests”. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, Vol. 24, No. 2, (June 1997): pp 181-200 (with N. Cressie).
“The VPRT: A Sequential Testing Procedure Dominating the SPRT”. Econometric Theory, Vol. 9, (1993): pp. 431-450 (with N. Cressie).
“Sample-size Optimal Sequential Testing”. Inference in Stochastic Processes, Vol. 2, (1992) (with N. Cressie and J. Biele).
“Do People Exploit Their Bargaining Power: An Experimental Study”. The Theory of Games and Economic Behavior, Vol. 3, (1991): pp.295-322 (with K. Binmore, A. Shaked, and J. Sutton).
“Search Intensity in Experiments,” (with G. Harrison ), The Economic Journal (1990);
“Design Considerations for Neyman-Pearson and Wald Hypothesis Testing”. Metrika, Vol. 36, (1989): pp.317-325 (with N. Cressie).
“Price Dispersion, Price Flexibility, and Repeated Search. The Canadian Journal of Economics, Vol. 21, (Nov. 1998): pp. 883-902 (with J. McMillan).
“Choice of Reinforcement Rates and Work Rates with Concurrent Schedules. Journal of Economic Psychology, Vol. 6, 1985: 109-141 (with D. Tustin).
“Optimal Search,” (with R. Manning), Econometrica (1985);
“Search and Consumer Theory,” (with R. Manning), Review of Economic Studies (1982);
“Affordability and Some Welfare Aspects of Income Maintenance”. The Economic Record, (1981): 47-57 (with J. McDonald and A. Woodfield).